
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:40:01
请问特殊疑问句中what why which when how分别可以充当什么成分呢? what/where/when/why/how/whose用was/were/did造特殊疑问句what was..what were...where was...where were...when was....when were..why was...why were.how was...how were.whose was...whose were.每个造2个句子...越多越好.. What How When Who Which Where Does Are Can 分别什么意思?如果这是问题的题目,你该怎么回答?(答案不需要)要的是回答句型~ Ming,what can you hear? Do you think whether Xiao Ming can pass the high school entrance exam or not?翻译 小明这次语文考试得了高分 翻译 Xiao Ming____ ____ ____ ____in this Chinese test. what are you ()for ,Xiao,Ming? They will watch ( ) interesting cartoon together.六年级寒假作业上的 美丽邂逅用英语怎么说 改为同义句 Xiao Mao likes spors,so does Xiao Ming.___ ___Xiao Mao ___ ___Xiao Ming ___ sports. Xiao ming went to school yesterday.对Xiao ming提问格式:( )( )to school yesterday? xiao ming isn't at school today?对xiao ming提问 Xiao Ming is like his father.=Xiao Ming __ ___ his father. 南茜用英语怎么说? 根据首写字母写单词:1 L_____the girl go out to play. 2 She likes bears. They are very c____. 3 A dolphin is a kind of s______ animal. 有什么描写芙蓉花的诗句? 加's如何发音dads和dad's的发音相同吗 英语名词加了s以后的读音是怎么样来定的?什么情况发[s],什么时候发[z]…… 根据词义描述及首字母写单词.(g ) a kind of thing you can use it to put a stamp on an envelope(s ) a place xhere children can study(y ) the day before today(a ) telling you where someone lives(t ) a machine for making calls(m ) thirty or t 二十世纪是从几几年到几几年?请说一下到底是怎么算的.我已知道,谢谢.正解:1901—-2000年 20世纪初大概是几几年到几几年? 什么时候英语单词后面加"ed"?如“play”“watch”...要什么时候加“ed”?“I have a sore thought”为什么要用“have”? 根据首字母写单词, 发布公告 英语怎么说 “当面通知”英语怎么说大概意思是“如果不来上课,需当面通知客服部门” 检查通告用英语怎么说? 特此公告用英语怎么说文章是一篇应用文,在最后是“特此公告”四个字,如何翻译"如有引起不便,欢迎您随时与我们联系!"这句怎么翻译? 张贴告示 用英语怎么说 关于赞美荷花的诗句,1.请用一种形象生动的语言描绘一下荷的形象(必须用一种修辞手法.)2.用诗句填空.(1)荷之美,在于它随风拂来的淡淡清香:_______________(2)荷之美,在于它清凉甜润 赞美荷花的诗句,还有赞美梅花的诗句,赞美青松的诗句,赞美蜡烛的诗句!超急,快,限时2小时内! 关于梅花和荷花的诗句 关于荷花 梅花 青松 蜡烛的诗句快今天就要 你一定有过和朋友一起出外就餐的经历吧.下面是Mike和Linda外就餐的食物清单,写一篇英语短文