
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 20:13:49
1.4种水果,选8个水果,计算不同的方案数?2.从1到1000的整数中不能被4、5和6中任何一个整除的整数个数? They were playing chess happily.(改为感叹句)__ __ __ __ __ __! 下面用的是什么修辞手法这么感人的前景,让人怎么可能不落泪呢?( )天空中撒满了快活的眨着眼的星星.( )那欢乐的叫声,都把枝头上的积雪震落下来了.( )冬天麦盖三层被,来年枕着枕 we found some boys.they were playing chess.合并为一句合并为一句we () some boys ()()这是运用了什么结构,还有,题干中为什么是were playing,这是什么时态?不是一般过去时直接played么 nobody是小人物,大人物啥意思? nobody既然表单数,这里怎么解?原句为:Nobody died because I cursed them.为什么是them?这是牛津书虫《潘德尔的巫师》里的一句,意思是(我来自巫师之家,可我不是巫师。)“我从未咒死过任何人 nobody表单数或复数概念 that uniform remind me - ---my school day.A.off B.for C.of 下面各句中采用了什么修辞手法?风声雨声涛声,声声震耳;雨水汗水血水,水水相融.大江,永远铭记1998年的夏天,永远铭记着我英勇的人民子弟兵. please help me to understand this sentence 654The average rate they earn on their investment rises only slowly as old contract mature and new ones are make,but they must either pay higher rate to hold on to their deposits or accept wide-scale withdra It's careless to_______ 他总是粗心的撞到我的书 英语 We are happy sister yo 是什么意思? dream out selena的品牌dream out loud我想问这个牌子在美国的一些大商场有实体店吗(因为我在美国但一直没注意)selena平时穿的衣服都是这牌子的吗 make a sonwman 深山老林有什么动物 I keep all my ()(diary)in my syudyWe go on a trip ( )(two) a year.At a birthday party ,children often make ( )(wish) in front of the cake.I think Liu Huan is the( )(good)singer in China.通过观看王亚平的太空讲课,我们了解了很多 My teacher once advised me not _____ everything.My teacher once advised me _____ everything.A.to pretend to knowB.pretending knowingC.to pretend knowingD.pretending to know so we are和so are we的区别两个都是不带问好的陈述句的后缀,so are we是在电影里面看见的台词,翻译成了“我们也是”,可是我觉得用so we are更好,还有,像who am I 和who I am,这个也能用在陈述句中吗? 英语翻译帮忙翻译下,不要翻译工具出来的, However weak we are,we are not completely powerless什么意思 我想找一篇英文作文作为参考,题目是“my new school”字数为120字以内 There is always the way这句话什么意思? see sb.后面应接动词的什么形式? i've gotta go.中的have什么作用(意义)固定搭配?还是加助动词强调? 求音乐:一年停车场 GD的百度音乐为什么没有呢?怎么上传到百度里? It is a boring film,so we are not ______(interest) in it. 你应该按照老师告诉你的那样做.You should do as _ _ _ _你应该按照老师告诉你的那样做.You should do as _ _ _ _ _. term怎么读 什么是term number? 求教英文阅读理解的一句句子Performance will suffer longer termPerformance will suffer longer term if you solely focus on optimizing quarterly results.官方翻译是 如果你只关注改善每个季度的业绩,它将对长期业绩造 He d______ to study hard but he has no action,so he can't change the result.是写decides 还是decided?