
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:02:21
西游记好词好句 只要词语 快,下午就要 西游记中的经典语句 西游记的词语.好词...记住是词语...最多4个字.我是指一个词语最多4个字...要40个左右的词语...半小时以内最好!.......最多4个字....回答的人请注意! 寻找十万个为什么读后感(200字左右) 已知三角形ABC经过旋转得到三角形DEF,AB=4,AC=5,则EF的取值范围是? 一首DJ歌曲,开头是she so sexy sexy sexy,女声,找不到, “She has never been so sexy”这句话是什么意思? She looks so sexy when she’s walking the sand 这是哪首歌 古代最长的叙事诗和抒情诗分别是哪一首?如题 it's so very cold outside,like the way i'm feeling 屈原创作了我国古代最长的一首抒情诗离骚和风雅颂并称的 诗的奠基之作 this time i'm so cold so cold,lonely,close your so 20字好句的好段 I'm so cold.Can I b-------- your jacket? 15个字以下的好句,20句.不能是格彦 好句20字以下45个!不要诗句! 谁能告诉我关于九一八事变的观后感丫~!~谢谢合作!~!~ 求一篇英语作文,手机对人际关系的影响 150词左右 帮我写一篇英语作文,是写手机的,最好200字左右就可以了directions:you have just bought anew mobile phone.you would like to post a message on your blog telling people why you like the phone.inyour message,you will include the foll 英语翻译Advantages and Disadvatages of Mobile phones As every body knows,mobiles are playing a important part in our daily life nowadays.But they have bot advantages and disadvtanges in my opinion.First,mobiles make it convinent for people to kee 病在文言文中是什么意思 扁鹊治病文言文 请把文言文《扁鹊见蔡桓公》翻译一遍 扁鹊治病的文言文 Frederic Chopin was born in March 1810 near Warsaw() in Poland.He was one of the greatest musicians in the world.In 1831,when he weht to Paris,no people but he could play the piano very well.At that time people in Paris liked the Hungarian() pianist My cousin was born____1999,____a cold morning____November a.on on at b.in on of c.in in / d.in in od.in in of 作文 我的自述(写自己)要求:第一段写长相、性格脾气、特点、优点和缺点,只选一个写.(开朗、坚强、懦弱、粗暴.)第二段写有关特点的具体事情.(17行)最后一段:点名特点.(2——3 如何写我的自传作文 九一八事变,有什么感受可写? 对918事变的看法100-200字的就可以了,一定要够数啊 巨人的花园 巨人的任性、冷酷表现在哪