
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:55:56
martial arts tricking是什么意思 舌苔中间有裂纹说明什么?舌质正常,但舌苔中间有裂纹代表什么?还有两侧下巴长痘痘说明什么问题? 语文题目修改病句:罗拉尔多舔了舔自己的舌头.(韩乔生解说"世界杯"的一句话)修改病句.(2分)  ①杨林同学的语文成绩不仅在全校很突出,而且在我班也名列前茅.  改正  ②罗纳尔多 求解释.舌头上长有一粒粒的泡泡,而且舌头有些肿.喉咙也很痛,怎么办?以前我经常扁桃体发炎,一发炎就输液一星期就好了.我每天天最少喝596ml的水瓶五瓶,也每天吃一个苹果.怎么回事啊?求解 关于“事物的正确答案只有一个吗?”的反方(事物的正确答案不只有一个)辩论词 --- This article is a little bit easy.______________ read something difficult?.--- This article is a little bit easy.______________ read something difficult?  A.Why not toB.Why don'tC.Why notD.Why not you 屈原《天问》表达作者什么感情? I am Peter.= __ __is Peter. He thought it was good not only for himself but also for the people.将句子改同义句为;He thought it wasn't ---- ----for himself ---- the people.请填空 he always keeps silent at the meeting为什么always和keeps要加s? The party was successful,but we thought it a pity not ___you.A.to invite B.to have invited为什么选B不能选A? He thought he had already solved the problem,but that was not the _____.A matter B case C condition D decisions 选B 为什么呢 He always __ __(保持沉默)during the meeting. 只用一种试剂能鉴别KNO3 NACL NA2CO3吗 SMOG这个牌子的中文读法是什么 nec这个品牌用中文怎么个读法?本人不会英文 一窍不通 希望能用中文 打出来的相似口音就行 comb smoke front month 读音不同 I am at a meeting.其中at a meeting的句子成分 I am at a meeting.其中at a meeting做什么句子成分 On being asked where he come from ,he kept silent.那位大虾帮忙分析一下句子具体成分及翻译一下句意,先谢过了? The saying " The gift is nothing much,but it is the affection that counts." spread far and _____.A.wide B.broad C.widely D.broadly为什么不能选C? 你们一天问几个问题? 29.I have kept that portrait ____ I can see it every day,as it always reminds me of my university days in London.A) which B) where C) whether D) when I have been keeping the portrait _____ I can see it every day,as it always reminds me of mychildhood in Paris.  A.since B.where C.as D.if我觉得选才c合适啊!为什么是b? I kept this picture _ I can see it every day as it reminds me of myI kept this picture _____ I can see it every day as it reminds me ofmy university days.A.in which B.where C.when D.whether I kept this picture _____ I can see it every day as it reminds me of my university days in London.A.in which B.where C.when D.whether 如果说B选项引导的是状语从句那么A为什么不对?where=in which啊 I have kept the photo( )I can see it every day for 20 yearsI have kept the photo( )I can see it every day for 20 yearsA.where B. when C.which D.that选哪个啊? thank you for your concern,i always rem ember 但存方寸地,留与子孙耕的意思 但存方寸地,留与子孙耕意思是什么 但存方寸地,留与子孙耕的意思是什么 但存方寸地,留与子孙耕.的意思是. 临时堆土场的算法临时堆土场的面积怎么算的.表土/0.2 为什么我看一个方案表土是0.93万m2 他的临时堆土场的面积是0.39.