
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:17:00
带兽字的成语5个带兽的成语, she was going to have to try someting else.怎么翻译, 哪些属于一方专用的生活用品 电脑属于生活用品还是属于文化用品 they were taking a walk when i went to see themwas taking a walk)对画线部分提问 I am going skating with Zip.对划线部分提问(skating with Zip) when i told them what john had don,they (went wild)括号里的词的意思是?became very angry,become very happy,ran wild.应该选择哪一个呢?go wild不是气的或欢喜的发狂的意思吗?为什么答案选的是第一个? I am doing skating with Tom对Tom提问 哪些植物不是绿色植物? 生活用品有哪些?只是生活用品的哦快回答不然我就死定了 生活用品有哪些,要全部的重要的,最需要的,最喜欢的. i am married with tom 这句话有问题吗 I made a call to my parents yesterday.To my disppointment ,( )of them answered itA.either B.none C.neither D.nobody I with TOM____students.填am吗 i made a call to my parents yesterday .To my disappointment ,___of them answered it.A either B none C neither Dnobody为何先C而不选B us,how,dumplings,teach,mum,make,to,yesterday连词成句 Could you please tell me how ____ the post office?A.how to get B.how gets C.how to gets D.how get为什么? 青春期的男孩频繁遗精会对身体产生什么影响?请把对身体不利的具体表现给说出. 青春期人体外形的变化主要表现为_____.月经是每月一次的_____现象.遗精通常是一种_____现象. 遗精是指男子在进入青春期以后,有时在睡梦中排出_______的现象.月经是指女子进入青春期以后,如果卵细胞没有________,________就会自然脱落,引起子宫_______现象,一般每个月一次. 【SOS!】沁园春国庆作者是谁? 《沁园春 ·国庆》谁写的? 沁园春 国庆万里晴空,壮丽山河,赤旗飘扬.看九州方圆,普天同庆;江河歌唱,遍地流芳.社会稳定,人民幸福,改革开放谱新章.新中国,如世界巨龙,屹立东方.今朝如此辉煌,赖党政国策指方向.忆峥 这是高一英语,我非常的急 《沁园春 ·国庆》 的体会万里晴空,壮丽山河,赤旗飘扬.看九州方圆,普天同庆;江河歌唱,遍地流芳.社会稳定,人民幸福,改革开放谱新章.新中国,如世界巨龙,屹立东方.今朝如此辉煌,赖党政国 五一放三天假写什么日记(作文)?求学霸帮我写一篇 Ben Lambert ,the famous French singer ,is taking a long vacation this summer he is taking a long vacation this summer为什么用taking而不用take --Dad,can't you see the sign?--Oh,sorry.The traffic is so heavy.--Dad,can't you see the sign?--Oh,sorry.The traffic is so heavy.A.You can't ture right here.B.You can turn right hereC.You can't turn left D.You can turn left 法制观念该搭配哪些形容词 高一英语单选题1.--Alice,you feed the bird today,____you?--but I fed it yesterday.A.do you B.will you C.didn'n you D.don't you2.--Do you want to go to the movie,Jane?---____.I feel like diong sth different.A.Don't mention it B.I don't want it C 高一英语单选题.快!1.The biggest book,______this text is taken,was written by a famous English writer,I think.A.which B.from which C.that D.of which 2.The wild pandas have got used to the environment here,_____,it has learnt to live comforta