
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:25:10
有边长为2cm的正方形,若边长增加xcm,面积则增加ycm,则y=? 一个正方形的边长为XCM,现在边长增长3cm,面积增加()平方厘米,若长为Xcm,宽为Ycm,长和宽各减少3cm,则面 Bob jumps farther than________in his class.A.any other boy B.the other boysC.any boy答案为什么不能选B, bob jumps farther than__in his class.A.any other boysB.the other boysC.any boyD.another boy原因 走过今天 600字作文要几篇关于走过今天的作文,至少600字,字数越多越好, He is ________than any other boy in the class.(clever)到底是cleverer还是more clever,为什么? 受滑动摩擦力的物体为什么可以是静止的?举个例子,谢谢.。 静止的物体可不可能受滑动摩擦力?我觉得不能,但也不敢确定. 与地面静止的物体可不可以受滑动摩擦力?举例子 受滑动摩擦力的物体可能是静止的?为什么?小弟不太能理解~ What time does Sue often have her breakfast?的回答. What time does he eat breakfast? 海关人员的英文是什么 Steve is younger than any other boy in his class.(改为同义句)Steve is _____ _____ in his class. Steve is younger than any other boy in his class.(同义句)Steve is______ ______ ______ in his class. 描写人物形象的作文通过语言、动作、外貌等的描写和反衬等手法表现人物形象 steve is younger than any other student in his class.steve is _____ _____ in his class.同义句转换.蟹蟹. Tom is younger than any other boy in Class Six这句英语的同义句In Class Six Tom is ( )( ) boy 歇后语:小明几场这比赛连连失利,真是 请以幽默,讽刺的手法写一遍关于封建思想的作文800字 怎么写带讽刺手法的作文 Jim is taller than any other student in his class.改为同义句 Jim is taller than any other student in his class.改为同义句怎么改? “海关商品编码”英语怎么说? 高压铁罐,类似于空气清新剂的罐子、泡沫填缝剂的罐子,海关商品编码是多少?英文品名是什么? 用幽默讽刺的手法描写人物 文本可以,如果有视频就更好了.如能提供帮助,我将把我所有的分数都送给为我提供帮助的人.非常感谢二楼的回答,对我很有帮助. 从-2m/s²变成-5m/s²加速度是变大还是减少 加速度有正负,那加速度绝对值越大,加速度越大?还是加速度正的比负的大? 做烘培食品电子秤那精确到0. 三公斤最小分度值0.1g,0.2g的电子称怎么确定其误差范围?厂家为上海华德.秤的最小分度值是0.1g,那么在称量时怎么能显示出0.05g呢? 幽默讽刺人的作文