
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:41:12
为什么我的娃娃鱼都不叫? my uncle's forty years old 用how oid提问 专题致胜初二 看图短文填写 Tao Tao is only 9 years oid.He lives near a parkTao Tao is only 9 years oid.He lives near a park and palys there alone.One day,hewent to the park as school.He enjoyed___1___there.On his way home,he saw an old bli 我租的房子阳台上出现一窝蜜蜂有没有什么好兆头4月6号才搬到我家里来的. My uncle looks tall.You uncle looks very tall.合并成一句 Your uncle looks___ ___ ____. He looks very healthy对划线部分提问very healthy划线 ----Could you tell me( ----Certainly.After I clean the room,I'll tell you.A.something important B.anything importantC.important something D.important anything(注明什么时候用anything 什么时候用something 如果说表示希望得到肯定回 8听半径为3cm的啤酒,有两种方案排列包装,请计算这两种方案所用包装箱的底面积,判断哪种方案节约方案一:3 2 3交错3排方案二:4 4交错2排 甲乙两物体做匀速直线运动,它们的速度之比为3:4,路程之比为2:1则它们的运动时间之比为( )一辆汽车以72km/h的速度匀速驶向一隧道,汽车在山洞前某处鸣笛后继续行驶,2s后司机到了从山崖反射 What is the ___ of milk?怎么写?-What is the ___ of milk?-One cup.A.teaspoon B .recipe C.amount D.instruction 一辆卡车车厢底面积是4.8平方米,装运一种长方形状的包装箱,包装箱的棱长分别为0.6米,0.4米,0.5米,如果放两层,这辆卡车最多能装多少个包装箱 猪是什么颜色 如图,在△ABC中,BD⊥AC于D,CE⊥AB于E,点M、N分别是BC DE的中点.求证:MN⊥DE 运用有关哲学原理,谈谈当前反腐败的重要性以及如何反腐败才能收到实效. 猪是什么颜色 的 猪都有什么颜色的呀? 什么是天下无敌?今天看了一个对天下无敌的解释,回味无穷.希望诸位说下自己心中的天下无敌是什么.给天下无敌下个定义.有新意的哦. He likes music.He wants to be a_____(music). 天下无敌最早是指谁? 什么样的人才是天下无敌呢? he wants to be a .he likes teaching kidshe wants to be a .he likes teaching kids sound,practice 可数吗还有advance可数吗 I like dolls.一般疑问句 l like dolls.改成一般疑问句 丰发果品商店运进2500千克桔子,卖出90筐后,还剩下250千克.原来共运进桔子多少筐要具体 水果店共运来香蕉和橘子700筐,现在的香蕉已出售1/3,橘子已经卖出220筐,这是两种水果剩余箱数一样多,求香蕉和桔子各运来多少筐? A:HOW MANY ____ can you see in the following pictures? B: Three. A.buildings B.animals C.boys是不是题目出错了? you,in,How,the,many,pictures,can,house,see.(连词成句)快 为什么地震时动物搬家 How much are the pictures转换同义句 动物怎么搬家? Although he has become rich,he is still very ___ of his money.具体如下,说明原因Although he has become rich,he is still very ___ of his money.A.economic B.thrifty C.frugal D.careful