
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:12:55
完形填空:the air here is fresh and clean.the people here___friendly.a:isb:arec:be 名字 项链上的PAT和KI8WG是什么意思?我日本的朋友给我带回来一条项链 说是白金的 我也不会看 但是项链上刻着PAT和KI8WG 不知道是什么意思 这条项链是田琦牌子的 have you got a soccer ball 改为同义词,jack goes to school on foot 变成否定句?怎么改, May 1st is ----DayA.the Work People'sB.the Working PeopleC.the Working People'sD.the Worker's She's Mary(变同意句)____________ ______________ is Mary.作业!急! 灰姑娘英文短剧剧本 不要太长,长的有很多,我就要短的 There are sixty students in our class among ___thirty-two are boys.A.them B.who C.whom D.which 如何理解网络是把双刃剑,大学生在建设网络文明方面应做那些努力? 【there are around sixty students in our class】的同义句还有【will go to】的同义词 以网络是把双刃剑为题,办张手抄报.请说下网络是把双刃剑的含义 重读闭音节 ____ is Mother's Day It's_____May Today is May Day,let's c_______ it. 联邦快递怎么样? 用适当的词填空1.Today is the__of May.It's Mother's Day.2.My grandfather__to the park eery day.3.It's time__dinner.Tim,Don't____a puzzle.4.What can she___?She can__ ___triangle.5.Linda__plays the violin in the morning.Sh__it at noon.6 七年级幽默英语故事 写出横线上的英语句子!1.Who has the longest fingest finger in your family?——————————————————————.2.who has the shortest hair in your family?——————————————————— there are thirty students in our class.(对there提问) pat的意思我想问问,I can'remember many things that happened in the pat.里的pat是什么意思? 怎么提高英语听力和阅读能力呀 有什么提高听力水平与阅读能力的技巧 怎样提高英文的阅读和听力的能力? May Day is May 1的答句是什么? May Day is in May 写问句, 问一个英文名的读音是 Morgenroth 几个英文名字的读音,Selak;Lyne;Ziegland;Hodges;Evelyn 问几个英文名读音答辩用,EisenrieglerMuthukumarSungMellerBrantonDeamer 请教这个英文名的发音siney这个名字怎么读,要有音标到底读si:ni/还是[‘saini]啊 请教英文名字的发音?Lene 这个英文名字,应该怎么发音?中文译有琳恩,但也有的译成兰娜,究竟该怎么读这个名字啊?求英文发音及音标. 每个男孩 翻译为英文,两种,用every与each 我这一生最美好的场景就是遇见你的全歌词是什么?