
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:08:13
什么是密码子?在RNA上吗?与反密码子什么关系? 一条RNA 上可否有多个 起始/终止 密码子?对应到DNA his father left without a word 你爸爸让我把他的包拿给他 your father ( ) me( )( ) his bag?( )him 主题词是表明公文()和()的关键性词语 有个女生叫我水牛这是为什么?有什么含义,大家发挥想象帮我想一下,难道不是说我诚实可靠,吃苦耐劳等等 水牛的兒子叫啥名? 水牛是干什么的 已知氨基酸序列,人工合成基因,在特定受体细胞中表达,如何挑选密码子?(重点:包含偏好性的问题) 怎样根据已知氨基酸序列选择蛋白酶.就像分析DNA序列一样可以分析酶切位点,选择相应的限制酶. Tom has a pair of shoes in his bag.(改成另一种形式,但意思不变)_____ ______ a pair of new shoes in Tom's bag. Tom has a pairl of new shoes in his bag.(换种说法) Tom has (nine) squares in his bag.(对括号里的部分提问),哪位知道?还有,These cakes are (soft). His father like (oranges). We are (in the classroom). These are (triangles).谢谢. 卢旺达屠杀事件的起因?死亡人数? 与卢旺达相关的例子 卢旺达现在的状况想知道卢旺达现在有没有战争,国情如何,适合去打工吗? 1.boys and girls aged 13~15 这句话中为什么要用aged?1.boys and girls aged 13~15 这句话中为什么要用aged?2.life若指某种方式的生活,为可数名词,复数形式为lives.请举一例 说明原因 His friends insisted that Tony _____ n说明原因His friends insisted that Tony _____ nothing to do with drugs and they insistedthat he _____ free immediately.第二空为什么填be set,而不填was set? when will tony ( )find out that his friends have got the camera which he losta likely b possible c like d possibly 是什么句式,讲讲选择的原因 I hope I can do well in the English graduation tests He took a photo in the park.(对划线部分a提问) something adj.还是adj.something 像find do结构的词组还有哪些? 世界上最大的岛屿是格陵兰还是澳大利亚?澳大利亚也是岛国.到底哪两个大 let it be me 这句歌词 let me be empty 的中文意思是什么, 卢旺达哪个州的 does he have any apples? 为什么不能用has 水牛在那,来点个名 那里水牛最大,最有力 这是我们英语老师造的句子:He confidently made a speech at the meeting yesterday.为什么he后面可以直接加confidently这个副词?急……万分感谢.没有多余的悬赏了…… the speech the president made yesterday is reallyA:impressive B:impressedC:depressedD:depress选哪个?为什么?