
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:58:31
Are you against 有没有错? Are you against a free apple? Are you for or against fashion?急呀!快点呀!答案合理加分了啊!给力啊!大哥们!哥,我要的是一篇文章呀 I am not sure if it___tomorrow.If it ___tomorrow,we wound not go for a picnic.中前一格填rains,那为什么后一格填will rain? I'm not sure if it___tomorrow.A.will rain B.rain C.rains D.to rain a map of China为什么没有the?a map of the world为什么有the? In a geography class ,we are ( )( )a map of China两个括号里填什么单词? Would you like to sit over here,facing the engine?Some people get train sick with their back to the engine.No problem.Just bring this receipt with you the next time you come in,along with your passport,and we will adjust balance. 从A栏中选出恰当的句子与A栏中的句子组成对话,并把代表句子的字母填写在A栏相应的方框内.(B栏中的每句话只能使用一次,并有两句话是多余的.) 从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话,将其序号填在横线上. 用方框中的句子补全对话,两项为多余的,请把序号填入横线处A:_______B:yes.Let me make it for youA:OK.______B:oh,only one.and we need honey and bananas.A:______B:About two teaspoons.A:________B:TwoA:________B:First we cut up t 二,阅读对话,在方框中选择合适的句子,将序号填在横线上 英语翻译Today ,we are talking about forest fires .I’m Penny Wang ,a reporter ,I am in Indonesia .It is now three o’clock in the afternoon but I can’t see the sky .Thick smog is 26 most of South-East Asia .Thousands of people have eye or bre 郑和下西洋的主要目的是什么和到西洋什么 today many people like toexercise every day to kep____ why many people like reading greek mythology 暗渡陈仓的故事简介1061084081,暗渡陈仓主要讲了什么,150字以内就好 Lily is writing a letter to her pen pal就划线部分提问 划线部分为:her pen pal people who can read are able to learn about anything they wish.这里的wish应该是想要的,还是愿望呢? 爱情犯错检讨书怎么写前两天我跟我女朋友吵架了,我求她原谅我,她要我写五百字的检讨书, 郑和下西洋为什么啊 为什么让郑和下西洋 照例在横线上填写适当的词语.例:衣衫(破旧)眼睛()()为人()()表演()()目光()() 为什么strawberry这个单词开头有个straw? 明修栈道暗渡陈仓反映了怎样的社会问题 strawberry这个单词汉意是什么 明修栈道暗渡陈仓经过哪是地点,不要别的 strawberry是什么意思?谁答谁好! 西方列强的殖民扩张给中国带来了什么? so ...as用法和意思so ...as像..一样,和like都是像的意思.请问他们之间有什么区别呢?用法分别是? “竞争对手”用英语怎么说? My sister is listening to music with her classmate in her bedroom翻译,急!速回!