
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:32:03
My watch is broken.I want to know how to make it _________.A.to work B.walk C.to walk D.workMy watch is broken.I want to know how to makeit _________.A.to work B.walk C.to walk D.work答案给的是D,他意思是说表坏了该如何让它工作,但 My watch is broken.I want to know how to make it__.A.workB.to workC.walkD.to walk. My watch is breken.Do you know how to make it_____?A.work B.to work C.walk I want to know who ____my watch?(find) 2010四级听力对12个,单词2,句子1.快读4,精度5,选词1,翻译1,完型7, the way you thought of to do the work is very good为什么用to do The way you thought of ____ the work is good A doing B to do C how to do D how you do Baby,I thought you were the 帮我翻译一下这句话的意思I thought you were the one the way you thought of----the work is good.填which to do 还是 to do 下列气体中,一般用向上排气法收集的是_____.A.氧气 B.氢气 C.二氧化碳 D.一氧化碳 只能用向上排气法收集的气体是 请帮忙翻译下这篇英文整改计划整改计划 在大城市里,总有一些乱抛乱丢的现象,而传单更是首当其冲.现在,满天都是飞舞的传单,它们几乎盖住了街道,十分恶劣.据调查,传单的成分是百分百原 It says that ,It is said that和It is reported的意思和区别? It’s reported that用法 It is reported that.It is reported that one tourist was killed and three were wounded in ___ attacks.(terrorist/terrorists')fill in the blank and give the reason,thanks.but the answer is "terrorist"... every third year与every three years的区别尤其是前者的翻译,该是每隔两年还是每隔三年.请慎重考虑后回答,再具体点行吗?......还是不懂 every third day每隔2天=every three days每3天?every other day (每隔一天)=every 2 days 每2天every third day每隔2天=every three days每3天every forth day 每隔3天=every 4 days 每四天 every three days,every three days,every 4 中南方有哪些城市冬天下雪? every three days 和very third day有什么区别 连句:are,there,in,country,three,lights,every,traffic 冬天什么城市一定会下雪 英语翻译名片上用的,不要简写, 英语翻译统一招商权如何翻译呢, “招商热线”英文如何翻译? 招商大会 英文翻译 said that谁谁说什么后面的从句对于时态有什么要求?是后退一个时态么? 有没有it was/had been + said that +从句这种结构若有的话那从句的时态用什么还是只有it is said that这种 用火烧盛满水的纸盆,为什么不会坏 I arrived three days before you.的同义句初二英语句型转换,麻烦各位帮个忙I arrived three days before you.I arrived three days ______ _____ you 纸碗盛水烧不着的原因. before three days和 three days before的区别 最好老师进before three days 和 three days before我知道意义上应该没有什么区别,只是用在哪的问题,还有就是有一题He said that he had bought that bike( )这里是填那一