
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:46:39
比较级中末尾er的音标是什么如上所述. 房子里有四把椅子用英语怎么说 跟鸟瞰相同意思的词语,4个要从高处往下看 和( 鸟瞰)有相同意思的词语有_____、_____. never中er的音标是什么 term中的er的音标 “鸟瞰”这个词是什么意思? 与鸟瞰意思相近的词三个 “英雄”这个词的英文怎么写撒~`就是翻译成英文~我忘记了~不好意思``````````- - 有关描写名人伟人的英语句型和单词描写伟人的英语作文中典型的句型和相关单词. 丹麦国旗是什么样子 丹麦国旗的含义 请教音标umbrella的u、father的a、school的oo、no的o、her的er、teacher的er、she的e、any的a、black的a的 “俯瞰”是什么意思? 俯瞰的意思 玲玲的发型是什么? “英雄”这个词的英文怎么写? you have to stay behind if your homework isnot done before five o'clock求翻译 you have to stay behind if your homework is’s finished这句话对吗you have to stay behind if your homework isn‘t finished 英语翻译以孔、孟为代表的儒家思想,在大力宣扬“仁”即爱人的忠恕之道的同时,强调“仁”的实行要以“礼”为规范,提倡德治和教化,反对苛政和任意刑杀.并有“不患寡而患不均,不患贫而 I have passed your heart,not I don't want to stay,but you would not shelter. in summer和in the summer有什么区别? during summer holidays 与IN的区别?DURING IN之间的区别是什么? seven,night,get,at,have,i,home,by,o'clock,to连词成句 mother同音词 玲玲和兰兰用同一个数做被除数,玲玲用24去除,兰兰用18去除,兰兰忘写商十位上的0,除得的商为12,还余12,玲玲的计算结果应该是多少? English problemMary ______(not know)what _____(to buy).She is waiting _______me ________the doctor's office.I can help you _____learn English.He often helps his classmates __________study English.You _______have a bad cold. a english problem请各位好人,在以下词组中的用法“the lives of you loved ones"tks alot he has to get home before nine o'clock改否定句 ENGLISH PROBLEMS1.This is the house _____ we used to sleep.A.where B.that C.which2.He said _____ the man _____ had robbed the bank had long hair.A.who;who B.that;that C.that;which3.That's the Museum _______ we visited last year.A.where B.which答案 You must come home before eleven fifteen.同义句转换变成;You ( )( )come home ( )eleven fifteen.内个是同义句,不是反义句。 English problems!1.My cousin worries about____much too fat.A.to get B.getting C.gets D.to getting 2.Shall i have some cup noodles tonight?_____ A.Yes,you won't B.Sorry,please don't C.No,you aren't D.No,please 3.They look like each other and always___