
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:44:53
英语翻译But even here this is not the conscientious discretionary judgment of the judge (as Chancellor Ellesmere would have had it),but rather the situated,experience-informed judgment of thejudge using all the resources the vast body of the law What is your name?How old are you? -————? A how old are you? B how are you C what's your name it's seven D what's the time为什么不选A而选D呢it's seven 这是答句 秀 拼音怎么写 秀的拼音怎么写 下列句子中加括号字的意义或用法相同的一项是_____谢谢、、、A、(故)不为苟得也 两狼之并驱如(故)B、二者不可(得)兼 所识穷乏者(得)我与C、是亦不可以(已)乎 死而后(已)D then,after one visit just before christmas ,mrs.bixby was standing at the station in baltimore, 句中的加点字与例句中加点字意义和用法相同的一项是?(选择)例句:饱食而无祸A.中峨冠而多髯者为东坡 B.强饮三大白而别C.玉城雪岭际天而来 D.千里马常有,而伯乐不常有. my sister was graduating just before christmas,but due to my own求这个开头的文章全部 自圆其说和 画龙点睛造句 可以这样吗 这句话既能自圆其说,又能起到画龙点睛的效果 2013年12月四级作文跑题能得多少分?我考的是卷三,作文要写过度使用手机的后果,我写成原因了.但是我的语言还算通顺,没什么错误.用了很多模板.大概能得多少分啊.求有经验的说一下. 甲乙两队和挖一条长240m的水渠,32天完成,甲队明天挖3.5m,乙对明天挖多少米 把在一根140米长的绳子分成两甲·乙段两段,其中甲段是乙段的4分之3,甲·乙段各是几米? The young man took the big bag carefully .Just ____ he was going to run away .A.if B.as C.even D.whenever这是完型填空中的一个空,为什么选B,如何翻译,请详解, the young man was just going away when he heard the the woman's voice.求专家. the man asked the old woman where he was going to set off.改为直接引语到底是where am i 还是are you?为什么? look cool 是甚么意思 LOOK和COOL是什么意思 look cool的用法和意思 某工程队3分之2时,开凿山洞5分之3米,开凿山洞9米需要几时? 某工程队3分之2时,开凿山洞5分之3米,开凿山 洞9米需要几时? 一个工程队开凿一条长240米的山洞,第一周工作了6天天挖,平均每25米第二周准备挖18米,还要挖多少天? 我国的火药和火器是通过什么方式传到欧洲的? 我国火药和火器是通过什么方式传到欧洲的 火药和火药武器没有传入欧洲 西方的资本主义国家就不会比中国先进 谈谈自己的看法“假如中国的四大发明没有传入欧洲,特别是火药和火药武器的传入,就不会有中国近代的耻辱,就不会令 could you tell me____in your hometown in weather.A.if it often snowed B.weather c.if it often sows D.whether it often snow Can you tell me somethingabout your hometown? He saw the man enter the building just now The man was ____ ____ enter the building just now someone saw the little girl enter the shop 改为被动语态 cool looking cool looking (1/2)感官动词没被动语态,可He was seen(to enter)the building about the time when th 07年春季中级口译口试时间是?另外一般口试时间是放在礼拜几的 比如05 06年的 因为我周六或周日有一天要上课,怕会冲突