
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:59:41
object,subject .里面的-ject是不是有支持的意思? Subject & Object QuestionsHallo!Would anybody mind telling me what's Subject questions Object questions for,and how to make it?Thank you very much.^^ 麻烦帮我吧这段话翻译成阿拉伯语.此纹身来自ZC. Then ask there children in class about the things the Take notes 怎么读? take there things to your sister改为反问句错了,是改为否定句,( )( )these things to me tomorror 有人叫你"乖"代表什么意义 是 There are no things .还是 There is no things . 解释下乖的含义 乖大什么意思 志合者/ 不以山海为远/ 道乖者/ 不以咫尺为近道乖者看句子的意思应该是道不同者但是这个“乖”字我不能理解,为什么要解释成不同,有什么由来?或许我理解有误 希望高手能把 道乖者 这3个 乖是什么意思? “上海市长宁区房地产交易中心”英文怎么翻译?急! ______ you usually late for school?填什么? 为单词换字母改变单词中的一个字母另一个单词,使其变成另一个单词.boy( )game( ) They are both literal and spiritual counterparts to the previous game's Saturos and Menardi in that they are another pair of powerful fire-conjuring warriors from the colony of Prox请问介词to在这句话中怎样解释?to在这里是某个词的 She also called up parents offering singing lessons for children.的句子成分是什么,谢谢 I also called up parents _ singing lessins for children.A to offering B offer C offering D offered为什么用C啊 He called up parents offering singing lessons for children 中offering是什么用法? 男生叫你孩子是什么意思 --What else did she do? --she ___called up parents __ singing lessons for children填also;offering 为何even; to give不行 He called up parents ___ singing lessons for children A offer B provide C offering D to provide jim does-----(well)in Chinese than he did before 卢浮宫简介英文 when___,the building will be the tallest one in AsiaA,completing B,completed C being completed Dto be completed问一下为什么不选D项 卢浮宫用英文怎么讲 when ______(competion),the building will be the tallest one in Asia 能不能帮我找一篇关于卢浮宫的英文介绍 求罗浮宫的介绍(英文的) Finding that she was breat-broken的翻译 先学会做人再学会做事正确吗 There is _________ airport in Pudong New Area.A a B an C the I think so和I agree区别teenagers should not be allowed to go out with their friends in the evening.-_______.It's not safe enuogh.A.I agree B.I disagree C.I think so D.I don't knowc可以吗