
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 20:20:20
为什么活着的人到了阴间后还能回来?狗狂吠是因为看到鬼吗?我的外公出生在农村,当时他才10几岁,有一次得了大病,之后就不醒人世,外公的妈妈以为外公已经归天了,于是按民俗给他办后事,身 How is it ( )he has made such rapid progress?A that Bwhy Cwhen Dthe on _____ rapid progress has he made that we all admire him.A.Very B.So C.Such D.Too 我知道选C,such来修饰名词,但是such提前不是完全倒装吗?这句句子用的是部分倒装啊 he was hardworking ,( )he has made such rapid progressof which resultas a result of which whose result for which result +(-4)的意义是( )有四张牌,点数分别为-1,2,-3,4,以其中一张 的点数为底数,另一张的点数为指数,则所以幂中,最大的数为( )1 2 99 100计算(-1)-(-1)-(-1)……(-1) -(-1)2若│a-3│+│ 五道数学题...1.(-四分之三)*(-8+三分之十-二分之一) 2.(-六分之五)*(-2.4)*(-五分之二) 3.四分之三*(-9)+四分之三*(-15) 4.把-1 -2 3 -4 -5 6 -7 -8 填入表中 使每行、列、条乘积为正 用英语说什么回答the dress is red It is summer.__________________?I need a dress 英It is summer.__________________?I need a dress英文填空题, 中国革命经验的概括和总结能讲的清楚一点吗? 求:“新民主主义革命与中国共产党”这课的知识要点总结 英语题 It is a Toyota 划线部分提问 急!英语题 It is a Toyota 划线部分提问 Toyota划线 -----()()is it? 求:“新民主主义革命和中国共产党”一课的知识要点总结 为什么错误的意识也是客观世界的反映 历史是客观的,世界是客观的,但人类对历史世界的认识是有限的,也是无穷的.这种说法对吗?2为旅游公司设计一条“广州-西安-洛阳-郑州”的旅游路线,沿途有哪些风景名胜和乘坐什么交通工 请翻译“I'm anxious that I could make rapid progressThat is not very easy Students often c___ about bearing too much pressure from their studies. many students often _____ _____the food at school.很多学生常常抱怨学校的伙食不佳 Now many school students' health is becoming weaker and weker.They often__ f找这一篇完形填空 teachers often ask students to find out how many words a minutes he is reading中文意思 As is known to all language learners the newly learnt words will soon be forgotten unless____used in everyday communicationA gradually B extremely C exactly D frequently 英语翻译 She often play with a doll.改错 根据意思写出带有“天”“地”的词语.1.使苍天和大地为之感动.形容感人至深.( )2.形容某个事件的声势或意义极大.( ) 初一数学5-8题 给30分,好了再加5分.-36+2×9+(—6)÷【(—1/2)×(—1/2)】—9÷3+(1/2—2/3)×12+9【(—1/3)的平方+7/6×(—8/3)】÷【(—3/2)—1×(—2)】(—10)—(—10)×1/2÷1/2×(—10)3/4(—15/4)—9/14× Do you have any 第30题, .--- ( )do you want?----A red T-shirt..--- ( )do you want?----A red T-shirt. 答题有奖, once the required oxygen or carbon dioxide contents have been obtained,recourse has to be made to various procedures to maintain the composition constant.owing to the many factors causing variation in the oxygen and carbon dioxide contents .这句怎 作业是英文的,xxx+oxygen=carbon dioxide+xxxthe equation below shows the process in cells in which oxygen is used and carbon dioxide is produced 1.The plants can ___ carbon dioxide into oxygen.选项:a、changeb、 turnc、 convertd、 become2.As I ___ this all-emcompassing beauty,I thought of Emerson’s comments about the stars.选项:a、marveledb、 marveled atc、 was marveledd、 was ma