
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:35:03
他们今晚不打算在家吃饭.They ____ _____ ____ _____supper at home this evening The Smiths don't have supper at home.They have it at the r____.快 2013年12月六级真题听力如果能有历年的六级真题和听力就好了.四 九九 零 一 零 四三 二 ()you will _____(be) at home this evening? 英语对话礼貌问题今天在西安回民街上遇见一白人妹纸,想和她合影.我上去说hello,她说hi.我接着说:May I take a photo with you?她说no.我想问一下,接下来我应该说什么?还有我的对话是否礼貌? We must take our turn at work这句话中的 our turn 要加 s turns中的 our turn 要加 s turns 的We must take our turn at work这句话中的 our turn 要加 s turnsWe must take our turn at work这句话中的 our turn 要加 s turns 这We must take our turn at work这句话中的 our turn 要加 s turnsWe must take our turn at work这句话中的 our turn 要加 s turns 埃菲尔铁塔有何用处? We must take our turn at work这句话中的 our turn 要加 s turns if people don't have food,they will die的同义句 同义句 If giant pandas have no food,they will die.If giant pandas ___ ___ ___ ___ ,they will die. They will have a no s( ) vacation 跪求一篇作文.一个养蚌人来到海边,认真地在沙滩上挑选沙粒,并且问那些沙粒是否愿意变成珍珠.沙粒们都 求一篇作文:海边幻想急.一篇海边幻想的作文.如果是散文那更好 尽可能的600字以上 求材料作文.材料从前有个养珍珠的人他去海边挑选沙粒问他们愿不愿意只有一颗沙粒愿意经受苦难变成沙粒.材料 、有一个养珍珠的人他去海边挑选沙粒 .把他饲养成珍珠 、 几乎所有沙粒都 thrillers I not are think interesting do 连词成句? they will have a party tonight. 同义句 They are talking about when they will have the party.改为同义句They are talking about _____ ______ ______ the party. 求room of angel歌词. do you think () is good to do some reading?A:it B:that C:this答案是哪个?为什 i don't think it is fair that some restaurant are designed to be uncomfortable中 think后为什么是it is而不是they are some times i think that love is somewhere是什么歌?第一句是这个~ 蚌应该怎么吃呢 蚌可以吃吗 英语翻译i change the langugue l'm so tirred这2句话语法正确吗如果不正确 这2句话的意思正确的用英语怎么表达呢 蚌可以吃吗?怎么吃? 海蚌死了还可以吃吗 The ___(large room for meetings) is very big.It can hold many people. the meeing room is quite large it can hold more than 80 peopie 改为同义词 The room is _ _ _ _ 80 people.(The room is quitelarge.It can hold 80 people.)用不定式改写句子. T的同音词会不?