
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:31:24
有一物理题不会,希望大家讲哈有一支刻度均匀,但不准确的温度计.用它测冰水混合物的温度时,其示数为-2摄氏度;用它测标准器压下沸水的温度时,其示数为103摄氏度.如果用它测得某液体的 一道物理题(希望有详解)22.把标有“6V 3W”的小灯泡与最大阻值为100Ω的滑动变阻器连接在电源电压恒为18V的电路中,各电表选择的量程如图7所示,要求闭合开关后两电表的示数均不超过所 两列队伍的队首相距100米,他们均以2米每秒的速度匀速相向运动.通讯员以4米每秒的速度来回往返于这两列的队伍的队首,直到两列队伍相遇.求通讯员通过的位移是多少?路程是多少? 只告诉我答案吧,就这几题 谁能告诉我这几题答案?1.There is only one apple on the table.(对画线部分提问) on the table? 2.Helen is going to catch the insects in the park this Sunday.(改为同义句) Helen to catch the insects 1、abcd是一个边长六米模拟跑道甲车从a点出发,顺时针,每秒5cm.乙从cd中点逆时针,第二次在b点相遇,乙速?2、甲速每时90km,乙60km,a,b两地相向而行,途经c地时乙比甲早十分钟.第二天甲乙返回原地,c 谁能告诉我这些题目的答案啊翻译改错,每句都那么难...译文中有错误,请给予改正1.原文:Didn’t she swear she’d never again believe anything in trousers? 译文:她不是发誓从此以后再也不相信穿裤子 My parents _______ (come) from Shandong.2.Sam _______(not like) playing computer games.3.The beautiful girl _______(wear) glasses.4.The Zhang family _______(live) in a flat in Nanjing.5.My father loves _______(read) newspapers after work.6.What _____ 下面这些题目的答案是什么啊大家能不能告诉我啊http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=254015574谢谢大家了 植物园里,柳树与杨树的棵数比为8:5,松树与杉树的可是比为20:9,杨树与杉树的棵数比为10:3,求柳树、杨树、松树、杉树的棵数比;若松树有100棵,则柳树、杨树、杉树分别有多少棵? 2.时光倒流到16世纪,你会在欧洲大街上遇见此前从来没出现过的人群,他们是?( ) ①手工业作坊主 ②早期的资产阶级 ③手工业工人 ④早期的工人阶级 A.①② B.③④ C.①③ D.②④3.发源于意 请问这道题答案是什么? 请问这道题的答案是什么? 请问这几道题的答案是什么? People send messages in this way.People send messages_____ _____ _____.同义句The message is very important and needs to be dealt with immediately,so you mustn't be careless.This is an ____ _____,so you mustn't be careless.同义句In the past few 我要这几道题的答案 这几道题答案是什么 这几道题的答案发一下谢谢 疯狂猜图这道题答案是什么 一年级英语练习题谢谢 15英语题连词成句1.tomorrow morning is sports day2.event is your what favourite Bod3.favourite is my the 100m event race4.be must the runners fast very5.the long I race like much very 1.Jack bought_____useful___book is also very interesting.A.an;The B.a;The C.an;A D.the;The2.Mrs.Bruce gave us some___on hou to learn English well.A.advices B.advice C.opinion D.plan3.--Do you want tea or coffee,Madam--___.I only want some waterA.Both 英语15道题1.句型转换(1)Tom won't visit the head theacher.He'll stay at home. Tom will stay at home_____ ___visiting the head theacher. (2)Mary speaks English very well,and Pierre speaks well ,too. Mary speaks English very we 我需要这15道英语题的答案与分析!1.Tom is a worker.He _________in a factory and his sisters _________(work)in a hospital.2.Mrs.Read _________(clean) the window once a week.3.On Sunday he sometimes _________(wash)his clothes and sometimes 15道.难一些啊. 英语翻译不要去百度收来复制的,因为我基本上都看过 ,40分钟内满意的话我给他55分!或许更高!kuai a 英译中 怎么样学英语 如何学英语我上高二了,但是英语特别差,我试着做过初二的英语阅读,都觉得有点困难,各位兄台有何妙招,我可以喜欢上英语,然后再把它学好,我真的对他一点兴趣都没有,更何况我们的英语老 怎么学英语 怎么学英语最好不花钱、而且特喜欢这种方式.还能是外教~而且学的特快!有没有、.有什么办法? 怎么学英语啊 求高手! 怎样快速学英语