
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:21:37
红加蓝等于? 适合女生表演时唱的英文歌不要太快,节奏感强可以 红加蓝加黄是什么颜色 英语 英语教案 红加蓝是什么色 有没有好听的男英文名字不要A和B和J与K的开头 最好是Y结尾 3Q How do you()your jobA.describe B.spend C.pay D.visit 1.现有氧化铁,氧化亚铁,四氧化三铁组成的混合物,经测定知其铁元素,氧元素的质量之比为21:8,此混合物中三者的质量之比可能为(BC)A.5:2:3 B.20:9:33 C.20:9:5 D.6:5:32.由二氧化碳,氢气和一氧化碳组成 山珍的小草之歌赞颂了小草哪些品质 第一道:18mol/L,密度为1.84g/cm³的浓硫酸与2mol/L,密度为1.3g/cm³的硫酸(1)等体积混合,所得混合溶液的物质的量浓度?(2)等质量混合,所得混合溶液的物质的量浓度?第二道:将3xmol/L,密 I bought him a notebook computer as a birthday present.he accept it ,------.说明理由 A.surprising and happily B.surprised and happy C.surprisedly说明理由 I bought him a birthday present ____ he liked it a lot.A but B andC so D or the boy enjoys the present his father gave ( )to him on his birthday括号内填it 还是不填why多一个问题,有时候为什么是for sb有时候是to sb 给些初中阶段的例子看~ Mike‘s father gives him a mask as his birthday present.对a mask提问 Where there is a will,there is a way,though it might be another totally different way... 人生价值是什么?_? 人生的价值是什么 ? 广西的港口城市是?离广西港口最近的城市没有 我国沿海海域的名称是 某化肥厂需大量二氧化碳生产化肥,欲购进一批石灰石(杂质不含任何反应),厂家到产地取样分析以确定价格.他们取样2g,并把20g稀盐酸分4次加入,充分反应后,每次剩余固体质量如下表:稀盐酸的 一道分析化学题,请把计算过程说下啊用分度值为0.1的台秤称取约20g的物品,最多可记录几位有效数字?如用来测定土壤水分,要求称量的相对误差不大于2%,至少应称取土壤试样多少g?知道了,方 有学完Rosetta Stone 英语1-5级的吗?学完后效果如何?能正常与老外交流吗?我快学完第3级,感觉还不怎么会说. when连接的时间状语从句的主句或是从句是否可用现在完成时 to give readers some skills on how to lose weight 这句句子表述正确吗? She didn't c____ two things in her mind when 引导的时间状语从句主句选择过去完成时还是过去式怎么样选择,我也知道主句如果发生在从句之前用过完那么这句话怎么解释呢?my father has been a shop assistant for over twenty years.he began to work when引导的时间状语从句能用过去式吗比如说when we get(got)home ,my dad goes (went) to the toy shop and buys (bought) a toy dog for me 这句话该用过去式还是单三呢? Are they coming by train?-they should,but they __not.they like driving their car.A must B can C need D may 吝啬的意思 10月10日是什么特殊的日子吗? what are you going to do in kunming的中文翻译 Why did you get up so early?I would not like ( )late again.A to be caught beingB being caught being