
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:16:42
高中英语,if i eat this rice.will you give me whatever i want? yes within ___答案within"合情合理‘我 Are you waiting for your mon,Steven? My mon is at work at the moment,so it's my father's turnto ( ) from school todayApick me up B bring me up ____in the traffic jam is the lamest excuse one can think of for being late for work.A.Caught B .Catching C.Bing caught D.To catch请问选哪个,为什么?请问 非谓语动词与其逻辑主语之间怎样表现的被动关系? 把tall in that live they building连成一个句子 If you have()question,put up your hands.A.someB.anyC.theD.many Hello,I want to go to Hangzhou.Will you help me ___the times of the trains?A.look up B.pick up C.look for D.pick out lt is such a tall buiding that we cannot see the top of it.改成同义句换成lt is __ __ __ __ __ we cannot see the top of it. How tall is that building?改为同义句 How heavy is this parcel?改为同义句 I was so sincerely want to have a good love you,but you pushed me away again and again.I miss you like crazy,but now I spelled a life to forget. my parents live in a tall building,and its window faces to the blue seaand its window根据什么来选呢A its window B and its window Cand the window of which D the window of it he can h___ read books because he is only five years old the baby isonly three months.he can---- read -- write 横线上填什么 where的同音词(小学四年级) 董仲舒推崇儒家教育的建议,产生了什么影响要书上提到的 董仲舒提出了怎样的建议?这一建议对儒学产生了怎样的影响? 董仲舒的建议产生了什么影响? 董仲舒这一主张对儒学产生了什么影响? 假设这位法国夫人当选百位感动世界人物怎样为她写颁奖词? 如果莫泊桑评为感动世界人物之一,你会拟出怎样的颁奖词? 如果他被评委感动世界的人物之一,你准备拟出怎样得颁奖词,请写出来.今天上的阳光喔作业,明天就要教,我会给20分的.贝多芬不仅身材矮小,容貌丑陋,而且一直患有重病,后来发展到耳朵失聪. 二十年后回故乡作文500字 求英语高手支招,每次做阅读理解跟完形填空都错好多.可能词汇量不够吧,以前都没怎么记过单词,遇见英语卷子就头疼,然后阅读理解什么的一做就错一做就错,明年就高考了,该怎么办呢,同学 英语总是在完型填空和阅读理解上出错怎么办 小恩科西的言行感动了世界,震撼了世人.如果他被评为“感动世人的人物”,请你为他写几句颁奖词. “像”这样的比喻词还有那些? 武汉高一数学家教哪家好? where 的同音词 where的同音词 英语七上阅读理解 董仲舒的主要观点是什么?给儒家思想带来了什么影响. 董仲舒的思想主张和儒家思想地位的观点 我看到你有新东方bec中级网络视频,请也发给我一份可以吗?万分感谢!邮箱:slnsealina@yahoo.cn