
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:38:59
人教版五年级上册数学书练习二十一第2题答案.快点明天要交利用右边的空白转盘设计一个实验,使指针停在红色区域的可能性分别是停在绿色和黄色区域的2倍 一道一元二次方程应用题的解法有100个果树平均每个结1000个果如果每多种一颗树每个树就会少产两个果为了产量增加15.2%应多种多少树 Once a rich woman asked Martin Brown,a famous singer,to her house.She wanted him to sing for her friends.But she didn't asked him to have dinner with them.She told him to eat downstairs with the servants.(仆人)The singer was surprised.But he said n 英语阅读理解, Dear David,How are you?I’m fine.I’m in London,at the International School of English.I’m in Class 3 with eight students.They’re from different countries—Spain,Japan,Argentina,Switzerland and Thailand.Our teacher’s name is Henry Briscall.H 有个英语阅读希望大家帮忙做一下.(B)Man invented a lot of sports equipments(器材).The first true piece was the ball.Thousands of years ago,in Egypt(埃及),throwing stones was children’s favourite game.But a badly thrown stone could 一元二次方程应用题的详细解法有一项工程,甲队单独做比甲乙两队合作完成的天数多5天,如果甲乙两队合作4天,再由乙队单独做3天后,才完成工程的一半,问甲,乙单独做,完成此项工程各需多少 阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确答案.One day,an old man was selling a big elephant.A young man came up to the elephant and began to look at it slowly.The old man went up to him and said in his ear.“Don't say anything about the elephant Harry gets up at 6:30 every morning on weekdays.He has breakfast at 7:00,and then he gets to school at 7:30.He is never late for school.Class begin at ten to eight.He has four classes in the morning and four classes in the afternoon.He studies Chines 一元二次方程已知m为整数,且12<m<40,试求m为何值时,方程x平方-2(2m-3)x+4m平方+—14m+8=0有两个整数根 一道初三数学题(有关一元二次方程)已知a、b、c为△ABC三边之长,且方程(6—x)²—4(a—x)(c—x)=0有两个相等的实数根,求证△ABC为等边三角形修改为:已知a、b、c为△ABC三边之长 Cell PhonesDo you still remember a few years ago when the pagers ( BP机) were popular and cheap?At that time,cell phones were expensive and only a few people had them.But now,more and more people have got cell phones in China.In fact,there are more 六年级英语阅读题(带答案) 海洋是未来的粮仓的作者是谁,要简介 六年级英语阅读,首字母已给!There are many busy streets in Shanghai.During the holidays the streets are full of people.B( ),cars and trams m( ) slowly along the streets.People can't walk quickly.When there is a red man,they w( ) on the pave 英语阅读题,首字母已给Many people like to t__1___ by plane ,but i don't like it because an a__2___ is usually far away from the city.You can't open the window.You can't c__3__ the food.Planes are very fast,but it still takes hours to get out 您知道六年级人教版英语阅读和首字母怎样复习吗? 对对联:少小离家为异客( );滚滚波涛蕴宝藏( );( )海洋乃人类未来粮仓 对联3则,前2个求下联,第3个求上联:1.[古朴长城踞群山],2.[滚滚波涛蕴宝藏]3,[海洋乃人类未来粮仓]请在周日即6月25日下午6点前解出!谢谢 跪求六年级英语阅读理解(及翻译!~)要问题!~! 英语翻译The Trung ThuThis Vietnamese festival falls on the fifteenth of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar year.It celebrates the full moon around September or October,a time when the Moon is at its fullest and most beautiful time.This festiva 英语翻译The words in the first line of the schedule are the short forms of the days in a week.The students will begin their new school year in about two weeks. 如图所示,求阴影部分面积.各位大虾不好意思,小弟手机不好给财富值,待各位大虾回答后私信小弟帐号,给麻烦大家快些. 阴影面积. 一元二次方程怎么解,举例说明 举例说明如何用估算的方法解一元二次方程 怎样用公式法解一元二次方程?举例说明! 一元一次方程和一元二次方程的解集描述法和列举法应该怎样表示?分别举例 一元二次方程无解时如何表示?举例说明 怎么求阴影部分的面积 有图我没有学过什么扇形面积公式我才六年级 要分析 照科学家的设想,将来人类离开地球到宇宙中生活,可以住在如图所示的宇宙村,它是一个圆环形的密封建筑,按照科学家的设想,将来人类离开地球到宇宙中生活,可以住在如图所示的宇宙村它是 将来人类离开地球到宇宙中去生活,有人设计了宇宙村,它是一个圆柱形的密封建筑,人们生活在圆柱的边上.为了人民在其中生活不致于有失重感,可以让它绕中心轴旋转.假设这个宇宙村的直径