
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:18:25
我们登到山顶看日出.英文 We got to the top of the hill to wat我们登到山顶看日出.英文We got to the top of the hill to watch the sun () ().他想搬家到某一个清静的地方.He wants to move to () (). 故方其盛也的盛什么意思? At noon they got to a hill,( )stood a temple A on the top of that B on which the topC on the top of it D ON THE TOP OF WHICH 指出通假字并加以解释孰为汝多知乎 根据对话内容填入所缺单词. What time are you went to school this morning?这个句子对吗 李老师安排35人到面积分别是600平方米,800平方米的甲.乙两个校园参加除草劳动.若按面积大小分配人员,两 通假字和解释1.哀转久绝.“————”通“——————” 解释——————2.出门看火伴 “————”通“——————” 解释——————两句中有哪个是通假字的,还需要做解释 根据对话内容,填入适当的句子或单词,使对话完整,合乎情理.A:Can I help you?B:Yes,please.Today is Mother's Day.I __ a present for my mother,but I have no idea what to buy.A:Maybe you can buy her some flowers.B:Great!But ___ shall 根据对话内容,写出句中所缺单词Daniel,you should not go there___the forest alone.It is very dangerous. The children climbed up the hill,_____they picnicked.A.on its top B.on the top of it C.on whose top D.on the top of that the children and they teachers are now near the hill的中文 You must be c_______ when you do your Maths homework. Our maths teacher( )the post office when I ( )him.要详细的说明,越多越准确越好!A was passing ---- sawB passed --- was seeingC passed ---- had seenDwas passing----was seeing 1.When your remittance reflected on our account,I will arrange production immediately.2.When your remittance is reflected on our account,I will arrange production immediatedly.疑问:句1从句部分为过去分词的独立结构.句2从句部分 . When you choose from our open positions, what is your base for your priority setting and why?什么意思啊 At last he____the top of the hill.A.reached B.arrived D.reach We c____ the hill last Sunday and got a good view from the top of it.根据首字母填单词 He is standing on the top of the hill.这句话哪里错了? 群星闪烁是成语吗 像群星那样罗列是什么成语 如--繁星点点的成语两个 繁星闪烁是春,还是夏,还是秋,还是冬的成语发 He never 什么(ring) the doorbell when he comes back 请问几个英语单词S后清音浊化的现象?发音现象上说明:“ s+清辅音+一个元音,无论那个清辅音是在单词的最前面还是中间,只要是在重读音节或次重读音节里,一般都读成对应浊辅音,如stand,str 写四个三字俗语,如:纸老虎 某人计划骑车以12/km的速度由A地到B地,这样便可以在规定的时间到达B地,但他因事将原计划的时间推迟了20min,便只好以15km/h前进,结果规定的时间早4min到达B地,求A.B两地的距离 英语中的清音与浊音都是什么? 问卷分为几种方式 调查问卷产生的方式有哪些啊 用来喻人且带动语的三字词语,比如铁公鸡,还有什么? 求一段英语对话,关于校园爱情,三个人的有反对的,有支持的,三分钟左右