
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:30:03
smart和clever的区别 so 拓展训练心得体会谁有哪儿有拓展训练心得体会 拓展训练心得体会 Would you like to be a s____ worker when you grow up. they didn't have any problem _____the Trumphal Arch 给了一下选项 A find B finding c found You can' image what trouble they have solve the problem being discussed.请帮忙分析句子成份,尤其...You can' image what trouble they have solve the problem being discussed.请帮忙分析句子成份,尤其是what trouble they have 气动UPVC蝶阀能用在大管道的? 铝合金重力铸造(砂型)当中出现缩松的情况和铝的材质(国标102)有没有关系? They have to be careful not to come across as disppionted in their child这句话啥意思?come across 后面的as起什么作用 黑客帝国2和黑客帝国3好不好看?最好有剧情梗概 they have come bake to you now 为什么have后面加do的形式?不懂 黑客帝国1-3中的经典台词顺便问一下,黑客帝国里有没有小说或者别的什么东西,像哈利波特那样? come ,if ,what ,do not ,they .将所给单词连成完整正确的句子. do you like do you like shiing? family的单数形式作主语,谓语动词为什么用了复数形式呢? I didn't hear the phone.I must have been asleep.我刚才没有听到电话,我想必是睡着了复合谓语有一句说 助动词或情态动词 加动词原形构成复合谓语.我想问上面一句话 I must have been asleep 这句话构成谓 开采页岩气对环境的破环有多大?居民必须迁移吗?据说修武盆地为江西第一口气井,可是当地居民对此事并不知道此后会对生态环境有没有影响,会不会被迫迁移?上面从没透露一点点信息.可当 i didn't hear the phone.i asleep 为什么不是should have been? --------is your address?I live at Flat101 ,Bkock3,Rose Garden Estste.A.Where B.Which “我有一本书给你”应该是“I have a book for you”还是“I have a book to you”? I really want to say everything ,but I could not have the courage, 把Her ruler is red变成否定句和一般疑问句并2种作回答 用ruler,is,red,the连成一句话 长毛兔怎么增加粗毛产量? [供应] 河南哪里有卖长毛兔的,安阳长毛兔养殖,长毛兔养殖 my and my family 怎么解释呢?看美剧里经常用my and my family ,my and my girlfriend但是英语不是习惯把自己放后边吗?而且为什么要用my 而不是me呢?是口语化吗?求解 It’s a ruler.(改为否定句). on one finger there is a rain with red stone in 是on one finger there is a ring with red stone in it,我打错了 One finger cannot lift a small stone 的意思(它是谚语) You'll find him a very pleasant person____ 是toYou'll find him a very pleasant person____ 是to chat with 还是chatting with