
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 13:27:17
在抗洪抢险中,解放军战士穿的救生背心,夹层填充的是泡沫塑料块,使用时必须使人体头部(占人体总体积的十分之一)露出水面才有效,如果要救起体重为900N的落水者,设计的救生背心体积至 Tony sometimes goes to the bus stop by bike.写出下列句子的同义句. 区分不同类型的社会形态的客观标准是什么? 学校前面有树吗 ?翻译英文—— —— —— —— in front of the school ——填词 Finally,they had to take this computer to the computer service center.翻译翻译成中文.请求学者 She wants ____ (dance) with her friendsShe wants ____ (dance) with her friends. My uncle usually goes to his company_____his bike.A.by B.on C.in D.with选哪个?为什么?请讲详细一点.每个答案搭配bike用于什么情况. 去年你叔叔的农场里有水果树吗?(用英语怎么说) A small number of students ( )to school by bike in the morning A、go B、goes C、are going D、went The boy student goes to school by bike对 by bike进行提问 I’m not happy,I'd like_1_a picnic with my friends.Then _2_Lily.She agrees with me.We'llI’m not happy,I'd like_1_a picnic with my friends.Then _2_Lily.She agrees with me.We'll _3_at nine tomorrow at school .The next day we _4_ bread,chicken,fish a 1,___cigarette agrees with me.A.hardly no B.Nearly no C.Rarely no D.Almost none I will let you 我的一个外国朋友给我发的邮件,在结尾的时候有这样的一句话“I will let you go for now .Ashlee and I will be glad to hear from you from time to time.”请问这里的I will let you go怎样理解,是希望我 请问let you change 、let you changed哪个用法正确,还是什么? let us singing dancing有这种用法吗?thank you If you do,the teachers will not let you in.哪句是主语,另一句叫什么?还有as soon as的用法是啥 整体感悟对理解文章的好处是什么 when she sees me,she usually stops talking with me.这句话哪一个词出错了? She ----angry with me.A.never B.usually C.usually is D.never is 1、She (usually) helps me with the English. 2、John (sometimes) watches TV. 对()中的部分提问, -Do you like the new coat?-Well,let me __ and see.A.put it on B.try it onC.dress it on我觉得选B,但其他的也没错.. Try on the shoes.Let me see if they___you well.A fit B are fit for请问 B 错误在哪里 He is an actor 的同义句He ______ ________ an actor . he is ___being an actor.a.tired with b.tired of c.tired from 为什么是c? he is an actor 改为同义句he is an actor he _____ _____ an actor .(改为同义句)my job is not very interesing or exciting.my job is ____ you _____.(改为同义句)我们有一份记者工作给你we have a job ______ you ______.(完成句 跟苏醒读音相似的英文名如题1楼的太普遍了,有点俗气。再给几个建议。对了,是女生 “split”是什么意思?苏醒的英文名怎么拼? After ten hours' discussion,they finally found the s_____ of their problems After many days'voyage,they arrived in ( )is called Australia为什么选B,原因A.where B.what C.which D.that everything gonna be alright tomorrow will be fine用中文标注 就是英文不会说= =求用中文可以说过来的那 everything will be alright什么意思阿 "I want to be an actor"中为什么要用be而不是is?