
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:46:39
从三年1班调5个同学到三年2班,那么两个班人数相等,原来三1班比三2班多多少人? 运用对偶的知识拟出下联运用对偶的知识,给下面短语拟出下联(任选两题)1、望梅止渴2、山清水秀3、日出日落4、海枯石烂 1.I____some books this evening.A.read B.am going to read C.am read2.____you___a cat?A.Are,got B.Have,get C.Have,got3.This stamp___from China.A.are B.is C.does1.This is my ____(one) day in Beijing1.I often do my homework.(改为一般疑问句)2.I c A:1.___________ are you goingB:I am going to Beijing.A:2.____do you want to do there?B:I want to visit all the famous places.A:Did you go there before?B:No,I 3.____.It is my 4.____time to 5._____thereA:6.____________a good timeB:Thank you 小学六年级英语题,急急急~ 高手们帮忙啊—Have you got any trouble with Chinese when you are in Beijing,Tom?Tom:No,I don't.But the Chinese do!1、请翻译以上句子.2、根据以上内容,判断下列句子正误,对写T、错写F The film begins on Monday.(对on Monday画线)The day after tomorrow is my brithday.(对after tomorrow画线)There is one glass of coke on the table (对one画线)He has a cake for his brithday.(对a cake画线) 8.三角形的三边长为(a+b)²=c²+2ab ,则这个三角形是( ) 砖厂有一砖,上午运走总数的40%,下午运走2000块正好运完.下午比上午多运()块算式 砖厂有一批砖,上午运走总数的40%,下午运走18000块正好运完.下午比上午多运多少块? 近义词谁知道啊?六年级的沮丧( ) 魁梧( ) 介意 ( ) 张皇( ) 顾惜( ) 张罗( )割舍()奥秘( ) 砖瓦厂有一批砖,上午运走总数的40%,下午运走18000块正好运完,上午比下午少运多少 上午运了一批砖的40%,下午运了12000块,正好运完.上午运了多少块? 一家旅店 开业酬宾 住店打折50% 有3人间 每间150元 双人间 每间140元 现住50人一家旅店 开业酬宾 住店打折50% 有3人间 每间150元 双人间 每间140元 现住50人 营业额为1510 问 这50人住了几间3人 1.()was on may 20th .2008( ) i left my home to and went to uk A it that B it when Cthat when Dthat that 2.the factory produced ( )trucks in 2010 as 3 years beforeAas twice many Bas many twice C twice as manyDtwice as many3.the big fire was finall 四道高中英语单选.别光给我答案.1、People can't afford to buy expensive things _____the price of daily goods going up.A、asB、forC、withD、since这四个我觉得没有什么区别啊.2、I could feel the ground ____when the earthqua 高中英语单选(4道)求讲解1.Mr.Bush,have you read the novel Yes.When I was studying in Beijing University,I___it.A.read B.have read C.would read D.had read A 为什么不选B?2.The exhibit is on view here for three months ,after____it will t 设随机变量x~n(0,1),x的分布函数为Φ(x),则p{|x|>2}的值为A .2[1-Φ(2)] B .2Φ(2)-1 C.2-Φ(2) D.1-2Φ(2) 设X~N(0,1),分布函数为Φ(x),且P(X>x)=a∈(0,1),则X为 设随机变量ζ服从N(0,1),ζ的分布函数ф(X),则P(|ζ|>2的值为多少 ? 设X~N(0,1),F(x)是X的分布函数,求F(0) sat math 看图红色部分是 x#100 如题、校园歌曲用英语怎么说?用music in school可不可以啊. a little love是不是英文校园歌曲 一个函数,要找它的不可导点,一般要从哪几个方面入手呢?我知道1、不连续的点肯定是不可导点 2、分段函数在分界处可能为不可导点,请问还有别的吗? 谁有茅坤的《夜泊钱塘》的赏析? 阅读理解 《这条小鱼在乎》在暴风雨后的一个早晨,一个男人来到海边散步.他一边沿海边走着,一边注意到,在沙滩的浅水洼里,有许多被昨夜的暴风雨卷上岸来的小鱼.它们被困在浅水洼里,回 a SAT math questionon a square gameboard that is divided into n rows of n squares each ,k of these square lie along the boundry of the gameboard.which of the following is a possible value for 1025344252 sat math question in the xy plane,line L passes through the origin and is perpendicular to line 4x + y=k,where k is a constant.if two line intersects at the point (t,t+1),whats the value of t>? math question.200pointsLet T denote the temperature at time t.If the temperature is decreasing,is the rate of coling .The great temperature variation during a twelve-hour period occurred in Montana in 1916.When the temperature dropped from 44 to chil 英语翻译钱塘江潮,视天下为独大.然至八月既望,观者特盛.弄潮之人,率常先一月,立帜通衢,书其名氏以自表.市井之人相与裒金帛张饮,其至观潮日会江上,视登潮之高下者,次第给与之.潮至海门, 明太祖叫什么名字 在函数√x²-1中,自变量x的取值范围RT 求在函数根号下x方减一中,自变量x的取值范围