
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 07:51:47
纯属完成任务 、先到者、最佳、 纯属完成任务 一个我这辈子决定用命去爱的女人、求英文翻译 纯属为了完成任务…… 怎么改特殊疑问句啊,1.these are flowers2.she is a nurse 3.it is li mimg‘s book 4.he is eleven years old 5.the car is red 太和门前的铜狮子的头上有多少鬃卷?象征什么?今天回答才有用! 疑问句 will shall1 what time (shall/will) we arrive in Beijing?2 what (shall/will) you parents do first?还有一题:there is not enough food for everyone here?(改成一般将来时) 反问疑问句中的Will和Shall的用法?1、Don't smoke in the meeting room,will you?Lucy,you clean the blackboard today,will you?和2、Let's go and play football,shall we?That's wonderful.请问1和2后面的反问句为何使用的单词不同 若有( )( )这个成语怎么填 抛zhu脑后的"zhu"怎么写? 造句 激流勇进 日簿西山是什么意思 成语"日( )西山"及意思 括号内动词时态填空You_ever_(litter) things about haven't you?He _already _(write)a letter to the factory to ask them to stop making noise.同义句转化We have never been to Sanya._of us _been to Sanya.We borrowed a book from the library ju 根据要求改写句子1. He hoped that he could pass the English exam. (改为简单句) 2. Jack heard that the girl sang a song just now. (改为简单句) 3. I don't know how I should do it. (改为同义句) 一只青蛙在圆周上标有数字的5个点上跳,若他停在奇数点上,则下次沿顺时针方向跳两个点,若停在偶数点上,则下次沿逆时针方向挑一个点.若青蛙从5这点开始跳,则经过2012次后它停在那一个数 欧阳文忠曾出使河朔,过高唐县 海市蜃楼 欧阳文忠曾出使河朔,过高唐县,驿舍中夜有鬼神自空中过,车马人畜之声一一可辨,为什么有声音? 句子改写,怎么做?句子改写1. He warned the students to be quiet in class. He warned the students _________ ___________talk in class.2. The mooncake tastes delicious. __________ __________the mooncake tastes!3. The moon was so bright that 现在孩子与家长之间的主要矛盾是什么 青蛙现象是谁发现的 与你同事相比,你与人争论时,总是喜欢走极端.(go to extremes,Compare)Comparing with your colleague,when you argue with someone,you are always like to go to extremes.这句英语我写得对吗? 请回答完整,具体:英语如何改句写句?一、给你问句叫你写答句,给答句写问句.二、改否定,疑问,祈使.回答后请给我多多的练习题,OK? 在马克思主义理论体系中,马克思哲学是?A.理论基础 B.核心内容 C.指导原则 D.前提条件 怎么做按要求改写句子 14,15,16课中心句是什么? 有关“妙笔生花”的故事 妙笔生花的成语故事概括一下 欧阳文忠公尝言,文章揭示了什么道理 如何形容肌肤 皮肤白怎么形容 怎样形容皮肤好