
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:35:12
英语介词问题:I'd always dreamt ____ owning my own house.填什么介词啊?这里又充当什么结构呢? 中国的废旧电池都是如何处理的经常能看到随处丢弃的废旧电池,分类处理垃圾桶也只是摆设,很担心我国这方面的处理方式,我们都知道它的危害性很大 麻烦帮忙用英语翻译一下:B递毛巾给D让他擦干淋湿的头发 学校医务室一个三层的的药品架上层上的药品一共有280, 关于党的变化的作文 各位学长进,学校医务室能打针吗?或者附近有地方打针吗?本人不幸得病,需要打3个月的针,[S200] 不是挂的,是打屁股上的,[S800] 我妈说一半大学医务室都可以打针,不知道是不是真的,同浙是不是 通过家乡的变化来描写党的作文谁有?500字左右,是通过描写汕头来描写党,写得好额外加分!说惠话的回避下哈!顺便想个题目,不要定太大吖 ̄500字左右 共产党90周年庆描写家乡变化的作文400字~~600字 RTi m getting drunk ,和 i m drunk的区别 急需一篇作文“在党的领导下,北京的发展变化”不少于800字, keep 后用什么介词 i'm not drunk!是什么意思 keep sth. 这个keep后跟哪个介词…Books are the most important records we keep _______ man's thoughts ideas and feelings.A.upB.ofC.forD.on l eat vagetubles twice a week,but l never eat fruit.and l don't vike to drink milk.yuck!的翻译 求g.na 的 I already miss you mp3 格式 you were already cery perry you can ( ) books here.填什么 G.AN - I already miss you我求这首歌的歌词 中文翻译.求.不错的一首歌.谁翻译下· Can you ? you new picture books here?填在问号里 世上有多少颗星星! 世上有多少颗星星啊? they have T-shirts in white What Would I Know 歌词 university activities might be unforgettable memories in most people's entire life. 说,树上有俩只乌鸦,一公一母,在谈恋爱,这是他们看见树下有一只羊在吃草,被远处来的一只狼给吃掉了, Too the world you maybe one person, but too one person you maybe the world.是什么意思?这句话是什么意思?谁帮我解释下 这个句子对吗if I had three day"s life I would meet some people that it is important for me有错的话,要指明呃, Good bye,baby.not good evening.you're too late解释下 “How long have you been watching I have been watching the return.I have been watching the return mail – and called the Mineral Wells Post Office today –it is still not here at the local PO –will let you know when I have it.They are looking at the same tracking information that Smoking is bad for health. We should give it ________.填介词