
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:25:53
during the davs ( ),he worked harder than ever.A following B followed C that followed D to follow We should make some safety rules_______.(a.follow b.to follow c.followed d.following) 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词.1、can you s____the word again?2、your cap is i____your bag.3、is this your book?yes,it's m____book. 口语:game over .对么?对的化,over是什么词性?是game over.对,还是game is over. If you try your best to achieve your goal,you will (make it)替换括号中的单词A.succeed B.earn mony C.able to do it D.managed to do it You wear these on your feet.猜单词 make sth=make from sth还是=make from of sth During the days ___ ,he worked as a servant at the Browns.A.followed B.following C.to follow D.During the days ___ ,he worked as a servant at the Browns.A.followed B.following C.to follow D.that followed 选哪个?为什么 少女时代,fx,kara,tara,2ne1,missa,这些组合哪个人气最高?哪个实力最强? tara和kara哪个更火 whether he comes to the party ____ too much A.nor matter B.do matter c.don't matter d.matter 为什么选D啊 D 是 matters 打少了不好意思 英语翻译 美丽的女人翻译我想用来做Q名 春风不渡玉门关,玉门关指哪里. ”春风不渡玉门关”中的”春风”是指什么?请从地理学的角度回答此问题 地里中春风不渡玉门关中春风指什么风 “春风不渡玉门关”的作者 春风不渡玉门关 KARA和TARA是一个公司的? tara kara名字为什么那么像 域民不以封疆之界,固国不以山溪之险,威天下不以兵革之利.翻译下. “固国不以山溪之险,威天下不以兵革之利”是什么意思 英语翻译 域民不以封疆之界,固国不以山溪之险,威天下不以兵革之利它要说明的观点是?它的正面意思是?原文攻城一方采用的进攻手段是?占有的有利条件是?攻城的结果是?原因是? 乌孙等国是什么意思 no thanks 可以用来回答不用谢吗? no prob.为thanks的回答吗我在看电影听见的。是感觉奇怪 女子组合 少女时代,KARA你们猜猜谁比爱的? Do it (once more),pleaseHe asks Lily (phone) him.将once more和phone的适当形式 当重力对物体做正功时,则物体的( )A.重力势能一定增加,动能一定减少 B.重力势能一定减少,动能一定增加 C.重力势能不一定减少,动能一定增加 D.重力势能一定减少,动能不一定增加 You'd better try once more. Have____ ____,will you改同义句 单词拼写,1,Please more s__.I can't understand you.-Sorry.I will.