
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:57:48
急需背影读后感100字 没有用英语怎么写. “_____我没有给____”用英语怎么写 The old man is good _____ kids.A atB forC aboutD wiith请回答的详细些 the old man is good at _____the chinese____(paint) 《无用的》英语单词怎么写? she is good at badminton.这句话错在哪里? 求证关于x的方程二分之x²+(m+1)x+m²+m+1=0没有实数根 Mrs.Li has a son.He is eight years old.(两句合并成一句)Mrs.Li has ____ ____son.两根横线上填什么? Mr and Mrs White had two sons c____ Jimmey and Tom.中间挖去的,c开头的可以填什么! __ your mother __ __ go shopping this ____?填空 你妈妈这个周末去购物吗? 是, 她要去买一些水果. I usually go( )with my mother.A.shop B.shoping C.shopping Thank you for ( )me about your day.A.tellB.tellingC.tellsThe weather report( )it"s going to rian tomorrow.A.speaksB.writesC.says 求、品德 世界上不同种族,不同文化背景,不同国家和地区的人们应该如何共同面对全球存在的重大共同问题? 张口结舌 (打一英语大写字母 ) 英语的英文大写字母是? 小孩子抢玩具,如何处理早教 如何处理孩子在交往过程中抢夺玩具的问题 宝宝爱“抢”玩具怎么办? 怎样处理孩子之间争玩具的事 Mr.Wang is 75 years old,but he is still ()A.good in health B good in healthy C in good health D in good healthy 李老师七十岁了,但她还能继续创作音乐.Mr.Li is 70 years old, but he can still ()()()() 生日快乐怎么写最漂亮? 我朋友要生日了 想送给她一个漂亮的“生日快乐”! 补全对话,每空一词 (A) A:Hello,Can I ______ to Tom?B:Speaking!_______ is that?A:Hi,Tom.This is Mike._____ are you?B:I am better now.I was ill yesterday.A:What was the _____?B:I _____ a fever.A.Did you ____ a doctor?B:Yes,I saw a doctor 生日快乐的单词怎么写 He worked on it for five years.对for five years提问 DOTA2.求大神一直不安装呀,怎么办 It during the past five years用 change a lot的什么时态 是一般过去时还是现在完成时 有没有大神给个DOTA2的所有的英雄的英文缩写啊?我看着电视上的比赛听不懂啊! DOTA2想玩DOTA2,求大神指导下,换CPU 跟显卡,什么牌子,大概价格,屌丝一个, ( )Tom speakinga A.are B.were C.is that D.do 希望你永远快乐,越来越漂亮 英语.