
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:39:40
5x=4y.那x :y是多少.5x=4y.那x :y是多少. 太阳系中八大行星的平均距离谢谢各位拉! 甲乙从同一点相向而行,甲车每小时36KM,乙速度48KM/时,已知甲车比乙车早出发2小时,经过( )小时乙追上甲方程 甲、乙两车分别从两地同时相向而行,在甲车比乙车少走36Km时,两车相距64Km.已知甲乙两车的速度比是5:6,求全程? 7/11=(.)把假分数化成带分数或整数. 甲乙俩车都从A地去B地甲每小时行36KM乙每小时走48KM若甲车比乙车早走2小时则乙车经过多长时间可以追上 is,animal,a,large,tiger,alone,lives,and,usually,the,very连词成句 An old tiger lives in a forest.这是一个英语短文的一句 我想要这个短文 已知集合M={x|x+2≤1},N={x|x>a-1},若M∩N=∅,则实数a的取值范围是__ 坐等 tiger is the most dangerous animal in the forest.(改为否定句) 英语短文填空 一)阅读短文,选择正确答案 There is an old tiger in the forest.He doesn’t want to lo.I am afraid of him.” “What?” cries the old tiger.“Take me to that tiger.I will talk to him.” The monkey and the tiger get t The tiger lives in the cage.对in the cage 进行提问.---- ---- the tiger live? 把5x(x-y)^2+4y(y-x)因式分解~是因式分解喔!不是化简!因式分解是把多项式化成整式的积的形式! y^2-x^2\5x^2-4yx除以x+y\5x-4y 把整数化成假分数. 有关整数化成假分数的题有哪些?不能少于30题! The food is nice to eat.这里to eat是什么成分? 如图,在等腰梯形ABCD中,AD平行于BC,AB=CD,角B=60度,AD=3,BC=5,求梯形ABCD的周长和面积图就是普通的等腰梯形 the food is fit to eat中的to eat作什么句子成分? To eat healthy food is important for us. Food is very important to our .everyone needs to eat well~`````英语完形填空~ the food is not fit to eat 123456789大写 数21.设集合A={x||x-a|<1,x∈R|},B={x|1<x<5},若A∩B=∅,则实数a的取值范围是 整数1可以化成无数个()的假分数 高中三角函数例题 阿拉伯数字1.的9有几画 连词组句for,have,hares,share,some,food,the,to,we. We have some food [ ] them [ ]share. if you have it ,you want to share it .if you share it ,you don't have it.wha if you have it ,you want to share it , If you share it,you don't have it.What's it? They have___new toys here. May I have look at_____.A.some,some B.many,some D.some,any