
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:32:17
4minute的what's your name的舞蹈算什么类型的?什么舞种 4minute的What's Your Name 谁有发给我谢谢! 求4minute的What's your name中文音译快! 已知Z1=2,Z2=2i,Z是一个模为2根号2的复数,|z-z1|=|z-z2|,求z 1.They each have a T-shirt.(变同义句) 2.我们有女式T恤衫 第一题是已知复数z满足(1+2i)z=5i则z的模是怎么算等于根号5步骤 I buy the magazines when they come out each month.(变为同义句)I buy the magazines_____ _____ _____ they come out each month. 已知复数z1=-2根号3-2i,z2=-1+(根号3)i,求:(1)计算z=z1/z2求:(1)计算z=z1/z2(2)在复平面z2、z分别表示复数z2、z所对应的点,O为原点,求三角形OZ2Z的面积 Ten guests come to my house.I need at l_____ four more chairs for dinner. ---Can you finish these tasks in four hours?---No,I think I need ____hours.A.two another B.other two C.more two D.two more 应该是哪一个? can you v( )our teacher with mev开头的单词 .I always wait for someone中文 four countries war请问星际这张地图最新版本是什么?还有各种英雄的介绍以及攻略(最新版本的)80分悬赏!还有,谁能告诉我在哪里下载?找了半天,fcw f÷没找到.如果没地址上qq发! 星际four countries war f -X怎么换6000每升一J就+9攻的GHOST麻烦说详细点.这个是6个玩家2V2V2V2个电脑的图200分哪里是这么好拿的不知为不知不知道别乱说我在知道和贴吧都找不到别去这些地方随便 he killed his enemy and fled the country 在这个句子中,the country做什...he killed his enemy and fled the country 在这个句子中,the country做什么成分?其中fled是不及物动词了.不及物动词后边的the country在句子中做 The players ________ from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game.A.selecting B.to select C.selected D.having selected 为什么是c. We go to the Reading Club once a week.(用Lucy作主语改写) whatever you believe remember you can achieve it 这句话咋翻译? 求人翻译下 i believe you can do better! Our patienits are so poor that they don't have the money .(改为同义句)Our patients aren't —— —— —— ——the money.Our patients are —— —— ——have the money. Many of our patients are so poor that they can‘t affordto travel to hospital是改为同义句the man felt什么(pride) of his son Many of our patients are so poor that they can‘t affordto travel to hospital改为同义句改为Many of our patients are 什么poor什么have the money to travel tohospital Many patients are so poor that they don not have money to go to hospital同义句Many patients are ____ _____ ____ _____ money to go to hospital. many patients are so poor that they can't afford to travel to hospital.(同义句) many patients are( ) poor ( ) ( ) travel to hospital.many patients ( )rich ( ) ( ) ( ) to travel to hospital. sometimes they build a new town right out in the country麻烦翻译一下! 鲸的繁殖能力很差,平均两年才产下一头幼鲸.平均能删掉吗?为什么 流行音乐popular music 和 流行乐 pop music 的区别哪一个是和 rock 嘻哈 平级的 以及rnb 什么的又是属于哪类 pop和popular的区别 日本为何要捕杀鲸鱼? 日本每年捕杀上千头鲸,说说你的看法 用躲藏、朦胧、绵绵三个词语造句.不少于40个字. 用躲藏、朦胧、绵绵三个词语造句.不少于40个字.