
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:16:10
I __ __ __ play computer games when I __ __ school.写出 When I go back to school ,I will not play computer games any longer的同义句,并且翻译成中文 next to 与near 的区别I'm Tim.Tomorrow is Sunday.I'm going to the bookstore.I want to buy some new books.It's near a big post office.It's far from here.I'll take No.12bus to go there.It's a white building.After buying some books,I'm going to have 描写哭 句子(200字)追加20老师让我们写~急,好的追加20 让我流泪的香橡皮 这篇文章很感人,写一段不少于200个字的推荐语 don't make so much noise .or ____ of the two boys can fall asleep A.either B.all C.both D.neither应该选哪个? 秋季是autumn或the fall那上个秋季是last autumn和什么?不是last the fall吗?我看到怎么是last fall? I live ____to a forest .close,next,near 哪个对 how do you feel when you play it 怎么回答 How do you feel when you draw翻译 how do you feel when you wake up to see a grey shy 2.She left the room quickly.(否定句) 3.My mother heard a loud noise last night.(一般疑问句) 4.Wh2.She left the room quickly.(否定句)3.My mother heard a loud noise last night.(一般疑问句)4.What's your father's job?(同义句)5.Where ar Did you hear the loud noise _____ the flash of light last night? Yes,I ____ TV. A.followinDid you hear the loud noise _____ the flash of light last night?Yes,I ____ TV.A.following,watchedB.following,was watchingC.followed,had watchedD.followed.was wa Did you sleep well last night?— No,the loud noise from the street ______ me awake for hours.A.had kept B.is keeping C.has kept D.kep为什么不选a 不是过去完成时吗 I heard a big noise last night(英语作文) 小学五年级上册语文书生字表的生字 near和next to的区别 next to 和near有什么不同,哪个更近一些? 已知一次函数Y=K1X-4与正比例函数Y=K2X的图像都经过点(2,1) 求这两个函数图像与X所围成的三角形面积. 已知正比例函数y=k1x和一次函数y=k2x+b的图象相交于点A(8,6),一次函数图象与x轴相交于点B,且OB=五分之三OA,求这两个函数的解析式. 英语翻译"You are welcome to have dinner with me on Sunday"said John''But i don't know where your house is"said Henry"It's easy.You getoff the bus.Then you cross the road.You take the first turning on the left.You walk for five minutes.Then you co Did you play football with zhang peng?翻译 英语翻译1.a lot 2.play the drums 3.join the biasketball club4.on sunday 5.help sb with(do)sth翻译成中文写题号1.2.6.拉小提琴 7.想要做某事 8.下象棋翻译成英文写题号不是英语作业是补课班提问题 改错:Can you play soccer with us on sunday? ( )_when do we play football?-_____ sunday?A.how B.which C .what D .what about When you play football,what ___do you playsituationplacepartposition选什么,为什么, ____ rabbit do you like? 0 0 A. What B. Which C. When 描写同性之爱的古诗,要名人写的,古代的,尽快哦,词也可以,另外赏析一下下面的诗..网上怎么都找不到.阮籍——《咏怀诗·十二》 昔日繁华子,安陵与龙阳,夭夭桃李花,灼灼有辉光.悦泽若九春, 人教版五四分段初二上册语文课后古诗 求八年级上册(语文版)所有的课后生字就是内个每一课后面的那个生子表上的 已知正比例函数y=k1x的图象与一次函数y=k2x-9的图象交于点P(3,6).求:1.k1.k2的值 急 已知正比例函数y=k1x的图像于一次函数y=k2x+3的图像P(3,-6).(1)求k1、k2的值(2)如果一次函数与x轴交与点A,求点A的坐标 英语翻译When you wave to a friend,you are using body language.When you smile at someone you mean to be friendly.When you put one finger in front of your mouth,you mean "be quiet." Yet,people in different countries may use different body languages