
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 19:04:23
“使我印象最深的台词”用英语怎么说 The students were walking in the d______,and they were very nervous.At last,he s_____ ……The students were walking in the d______,and they were very nervous.At last,he s_________ in saving the boy in danger.As time goes by,friendship between frien they were on the farm last saturday.改为否定句 2015年经典语录用英语怎么表达 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖人屠苏.千门万户瞳瞳日,总把新桃换旧符.这首诗的作者是谁,题目是什么,出处是哪里. 用英文介绍 iPhone ,怎么介绍~求台词~呵呵 有关春节的故事要两首!有年代,有作者! 哪儿有关于宽容的故事啊?只要题目和作者就好了!题目不是宽容什么什么的也没关系,只要里面内容和宽容有关就好 关于月的诗句和故事 并写出作者 10个左右 BBA的词语或四字词 一张他家的全家福的英文 关于一个外国作家的轶事一个女的仰慕者写信给他想要嫁给他,说我的漂亮加上你的聪明幽默,生下的孩子一定很完美,后来那作家回信说如果孩子结合了你的无知和我的丑陋,那就是最大的不幸 求为了兴趣而转行的例子,最好是外国名人能再些成功后为了自己的兴趣才转行的例子吗?不甚感激! 由兴趣走向成功的文学家的故事 求一位外国作家的故事(几百字左右) 用一个设问句引起人们对外国神话故事的兴趣 MBA,BBA, 英文字母BBA的所有汉语意思请都写出来 距离到底是产生美,还是产生隔阂婚姻生活到底是两个人在一起好还是不在一起好 They say they were happier before they became rich.这句话是比较级,为什么happier后面没有than? bba ____they were leaving ,用before还是as好 They say they were happier before they became rich and famous.此句中前面的谓语是say 可后面从句中的谓语是were,为不一致呢? Things were not ———they had been beforeA.where D.as 答案是D,我貌似有一点儿理解,我想问为什么不能是A,如果要翻译成那些东西已经不在以前放的那个地儿了 怎么改,谢了 英语翻译 英语翻译如果想长久,请不要对他说我爱你 台台台,台咩台,海南话, 谁知道这句话的意思,海南话?腰机,鲁呼S. 海南话‘录度都米 ’是啥意思?急用! 距离究竟是会产生美还是隔阂? China Daily , first ______ in 1981 ,is very popular with the students in China.A.published B.was published C.having published D.having been published China Daily ___very popular___English lovers in CHina.A.are,withB.is,withC.are,forD.is,for