
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:50:57
月考总结怎么写(不知道分)快,就今天 it will be 如果加天气(例:snowy)是加形容词还是名词?there will be 月考小结的开头怎么写 用it is+adj(for sb)to do 的句子造句造三句话第一句变特殊疑问句(对形容词提问),第二句变一般疑问句,第三句变否定句用初一之前的的单词(包括初一) 假期计划!600字要质量好的 如何使用英汉字典 我很多词不认识,但在字典上查不出来,英汉字典咋查啊 一场辩论赛在英语中用“a debate”还是用“a debate competition” 英语翻译 teaching is a job__you are doing something serious but interest为什么填where?其余四个选项 which when that it is a job ___you are doing sth serious but interesting.定语从句.为什麽填Where.我写了which.我觉得很难判断该写哪个 It's a job () you are doing sth serious but interesting AWhere BWhich CWhen Dthat 括号...It's a job () you are doing sth serious but interesting AWhere BWhich CWhen Dthat 括号内选什么? it's a job_ you are doing something serious but ineresting.请问空格处填where还是that?这是个定语从句还是同位语从句? be of +形容词None is of freedom or unless he daily conquers it anew.( Erasmus )只有每天再度战胜生活并夺取自由的人,才配享受生活或自由.(伊拉斯漠)大家看看这句话,包含了那些语法结构?我有个问题是be to be + 形容词 与直接用 形容词 有什么区别?The teacher asked the students to be quiet. Modern telecommunications have had a dramatic impact on our mobility similar to the invention of the automobile or the train.与汽车或者火车这 be of 结构可以加形容词吗?you are a girl of energetic.你是一个充满活力的女孩.可以这样表达吗?还是 you are a girl of energy.或者 you are a energetic girl.请真正理解的朋友作答, 我想买 查单词, 听听力适用的手机,大家给推荐个合适的1字典功能强大 2最好按键什么的结实 3价格适中1800到1000 3 最好不是日货最近我看中了联想的I60S. 怎么使用手机下载哥词呢? 苹果手机的用户词典,我想删除一些词语,怎么删? 有what are you doing?但what you doing? what可以用来引导定语从句吗?比如说I don't know what he said?这句话的what 是什么 成分? What's Doudou's father doing、What's Doudou's mother doing、What's his brother 还有一句:What's Doudou doing 德语语言学问题:was ist Zeichen?用德语该怎么解释它的含义?我的问题的意思是,用德语怎么解释Zeichen 这个词,即它的定义是什么? What are you all doing for Father′s Day?(改为同义句)What are ( ) ( ) you doing for Father′s Day? What‘s your father doing?He's ____ his coatA wearingB is wearingC putting on并告诉我为什么这么选 该记住什么知识呢? 请问 be+形容词+of 这种结构后面要接什么? be +形容词为什么要再加of 有没有一些例句 你个女生说我很矫情?这女生我在追她! 英语里这样的特殊用法到那里去学啊?1.Blood will have blood. 2.Boys will be boys. 3.Business is business.第一个是血债血还 第二个有本性难改的意思,男孩就是男孩,第三个意思是 工作就是工作 ,说工作与其 英语用法为什么是in high spirits而不是in high spirit 求个英语几种时态的够成和用法! 辩论赛领导开场致词不是介绍辩题及要求的,而是书记来一个致辞,字数400字至800字吧.这次是迎新辩论赛 WELL-KNOWN和 WELL KNOWN的区别