
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 12:07:02
当一个事件在一个什么样的环境下时,可以说它必然发生?谢谢! 三个自然段 写我和狗发生的故事 日本的著名跨国公司都有哪些? 应用题第1题 应用题第一题怎么做 第四题应用题的第1题. lsrael Special Forces是什么意思 Indeed 如何使用?Indeed在英语表达中,是因该放在句首呢?还是句尾?对于它在句中的位置有什么特殊的要求? indeed 和 affirmative 用法区别?还有这两个单词可以有和 of course ;sure 用法相同的例子吗? misses loads 如题!女朋友给我说的负担是指? 看电视剧里有这样对话:A; Having fun?B:Loads. dead loads什么意思? why do the police sometimes have trouble understanding the people? 哪些古典诗有用象征暗示手法(举例) 象征是什么,并举例 小学学习象征手法了吗?如果有请举例,多多益善请列举一些象征手法的例子,越经典越好,请说明什么象征什么. 氢离子与氢氧根所能代表的反应? the bad situation in which he was这个句子语法点帮忙分析下 ,最好能举个例子. stud Mrs.Slater was involved in a situation from which ____ was out of the question.[A] avoidance [B] escape [C] excuse [D] relief He sometimes had to ____a bad situation in the officeA:stick around B:attach to C:stick outD:add to 选哪个?为什么? The king couldn’t bear the bad treatment and decided not to stay _ he was not welcome. A. in which B. unless C. where D. in the place 选C 为什么? 什么是氢离子归中反应? 铅会与氢离子反应吗 茅盾的《题白杨图》与《白杨礼赞》一样,都运用了象征的手法,请各举一个例子进行说明.《题白杨图》北方有佳树,挺立如长矛.叶叶皆团结,枝枝争上游.羞与柚枋伍,甘居榆枣俦.丹青标风骨,誓 indeed是,yes的意思吗?或者是correct? 象征手法要例子20-30字 many things have changed语法对吗? Things have changed since I started junior high school,I'm much lazier than I was in pimary school indeed什么意思? 一个小村庄的故事的作者是谁? those --- afraid of difficulties will certainly faila,who areb,that arec,which ared,they are