
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:59:05
No one was __(angry,surprised,happy,interested)at Bob'answwer 如果我想用danger这个词作感叹句,用danger还是dangerous,比如How dangerous还是danger when an american is fed with beer by the hostbe fed with如何理解 一道连词成句her,be,is,going,to,a,aunt,science,teacher(连词成句) 连词成句一道important is death nothing its (垂柳)把(溪水)当做(梳妆的镜子,陶醉地欣赏着自己的长发)如题 在写两个 句子( )把 ( ) 当做 ( )( )把 ( ) 当做 ( )辛苦辛苦 一道简单的连词成句have,she,long,used,hair,long,to. I are.这两个单词的缩略形式 you are缩军形式怎麼军 卜算子 李之仪 形象李之仪是个什么样的人?(用形容词,根据《卜算子》) 卜算子李之仪背景急! 李之仪的卜算子!在卜算子里面,作者对江水的态度是怎么样的?卜算子原文:我住长江头,君住长江尾.日日思君不见君,共饮长江水.此水几时休,此恨何时已.只愿君心似我心,定不负相思意. what -----you-------(do)now?用所给动词的适当形式填空what -----you------(do)now?l---------(do)homework. what do you do now的意思? 开关可以和电源负极连起来吗 求解连词成句 求解 连词成句 英语翻译我住长江头,君住长江尾.日日思君不见君,共饮长江水.此水几时休,此恨何时已.只愿君心似我心,定不负相思意.求英文翻译, You're not laying one finger on this guy's money. what do you now 什么意思 受精后多久才有怀孕的初期症状? 男人如何让女人受精怀孕的?越详细越好,我要写论文! did not you see the man ( )该怎么填did not see the man ( ) a.which I met just now .b.whom I met just nowc.Imet to him just now.d.I met to just now 有人试过goodman这产品吗?好还是? 商场搞促销活动,每袋糖果15元,买4袋送一袋.王阿姨一次买了4袋,每袋便宜了多少元? 某商场搞促销活动.某种商品前两件每件40元,然后每多买一件,都可享受六折优惠.王阿姨一共花了200元.王阿姨一共买了多少件商品 they aie缩写完全形式!急呀 His cousins are very polite 对 very polite 画线提问 His cousins are (very polite ) There is (some water) in the glass对括号内的部分提问 Give them some fxxking credit,I mean for real求大神帮助什么意思. This is the de_____.We often have it at the end of dinner. be,begin,do,have,make,rian(填空) 2,in autumn it?not often?in this part of the country.3.we often?swimming in summer.4.everyone?happy and?a good time during Spring Festival.