
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:36:48
胸围差取平均值还是最小值 请帮我翻译一下,have enough money to improve the website 表达自己经过努力解出难题后的喜悦诗句 We have enough money to improve the website.翻译 该间接或直接好 1‘‘have you enough money to pay the bill?''he asked.2''my dog had taken it into the garden,'' he said3the man said that after he had had lunch at a restaurant,he couldn't find his bag.4he told us that when he was looking for 怎么选择三叶罗茨鼓风机 一个英语完形填空题,In the fall of 1969,my father died suddenly of a heart attack.He was 44 years old.My mother was 41.(1)___ a large family with nine children,mother (2)___ to work hard at night because working nights allowed her (3)___ with 我听说有两种功放.一是有变压器的;二是无变压器的,且变压器相当于一个无磁圈上缠绕着许多五颜六色的铜钱.而且后者比前者功率更强劲,如果真有这两种功放,他们的性能和价格怎么样?请说 功放机的变压器多少伏?各位师傅好,我家里的功放机的变压器烧掉了,其他的都好,可是变压器的线圈上的标示给烧糊了看不到多少伏了,请问这种功放一般是多少电压变出来?牌子我记不起来了, 用一词形容 用一词形容我 一道初三英语完形填空题It's neither a good dream nor a nightmare,but simply______is happening.A.it B.what C.that D.why我觉得应选D,有可能是一个宾语从句,3楼的分析的很好,不过你试试把WHAT放进去试试,我觉得 初三英语完形填空的一题____ can I swim when I've got all that food inside me?A、Where B how C whether D why并解释下该句的意思答对有追加分 一道初三英语完形填空题.关于日本地震的The largest earthquake in Japanese history happened in northern Japan at 2:46 pm of March 11,2011.A tsunami (海啸) followed,_____ major flooding in many areas of Japan,as well as many strong af 急求初三英语完形填空的题目 死卜街是什么意思 卜街广东话什么意思 有什么方法可以节约水资源 ”卜街”是什么意思? 你系卜街 厘字怎么组词 厘可以组什么词 厘怎么组词?两个 用“卜”组词,形容坏的,贬人的 用"一丝不苟,小心翼翼,忍俊不禁"造句(50字)我急 从 凝望、怡然、宽恕、伫立、小心翼翼、忍俊不禁.选2个次,用“虽然...但是...”写一段话.如何写? 可以说enough money ,那是不是也可以说money enough啊? “下辈子我还要记得你,我们要永远在一起”用英文怎么翻译 把下面这句话翻译成英文 如果输了今生那么我也不要来世 英语翻译用来纹身的.标准点.不要Chinglish哦 from on at in 这是四个介词,我只知道in用于颜色前 这方面的知识给我讲讲说关键的,全面点,不要长篇大论,照样精 谢谢`(*∩_∩*)′ 粤语的“咸湿”是什么意思可能字写的不对