
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:21:10
爱一个人爱到问他拿零花钱的地步,是一种严格的考验 测子弹穿透一张纸的时间时,是否可以把子弹当作质点! 一个飞行中的子弹穿过一张纸,这个子弹能当作质点吗? 请问为什么子弹穿过一张纸不可以看做质点呢 根据首字母填空(追分且多!)Fast food is very popular in the world.M( 1 ) people like fast food restaurants.Teenagers l( 2 ) meeting their friends t( 3 ).They can e( 4 ),listen to music and talk.They like to have c( 5 ),French fries,hamburger 求解第二题和第三题,第一题就一张图 写出十种正在濒临灭绝的生物. 台独的实质是什么? 法理台独 是什么意思!~? 永恒的骄傲含义 请给我林海音写的窃读记的原文, 窃读记原文是什么 窃读记的全部原文是全文,最好是直接点. 有关窃读记原文 从下面句子中找出互为反义的词,写在括号里表姐从那遥远的靠近大海的小镇,寄了一些南方特有的水果给在北方的我,东西虽然不多,但“礼轻情意重”啊!4个 根据句义用括号中所给的词填空(gold cotton plastic silk robber chocolate leather)1.Tyres are always made of ______2.A necklace is often made of______3.The shopping bags are made of ______4.My father's shoes made of _____5.In summer,many 英语填空,Li Ming i___ often late for school.The teacher is very angry with him."w___ are you often late for school?"asks the teacher ."Because I often get up l__."answers Li Ming."Y___ clock can wake you up,"says the teacher."Yes,you are r___.But 英语选词填空(有点多)l was feeling a little( quiet/tired/excited/happy )when l was carrying our shopping bags of snacksThey were so heavy that l decided to (get/put/give/throw)away some thingsHe went to another nearby garbage can started( 英语填空,不多,1.Is Notre Dame Cathedral one of the largest _______in the world (church)2.Some old people hope to have a ______life in the clean and quiet country (peace)3.I will try to make it possible to be a ___________ (translate)4.Write the 1.窃读记课文中有一些语句描写了作者的这种心理活动,是那些句子? .我有很多不会写的,填空什么的.|-3|-|2|=_____,|+3|+|-3|=_______,|-4|-4=________. 英国SVENSON生物科技公司里面的产品质量怎么样?有没有人用过? 我想问一下,广州市仁源生物科技有限公司这家公司怎样的.有没有人在里面做啊?进不进两难中 生物圈中的大气圈、水圈和岩石圈是截然分开的吗?请说明理由.有没有人回答啊? 英语单选题分析14.____he failed in the important exam made his parents__________.A.What;disappointed B.What;disappointingC.That;disappointed D.That;to be disappointed 窃读记全文 (x-q)(x+m)等于x的平方-4x+n,mn=什么一道数学题,大概范围是因式的乘法和因式分解这些我都知道,只是答案是225,我想知道怎么来的,反正答案是个数字,不是字母,q是Q 不是9 在钝角△ABC中,角A=120°,边AB、AC的垂直平分线相交于点O,求角BOC的度数 帮忙分析个英语单选题Television and telephone communications are linking people to a global village,or__one writer called the electronic city.A which B what C that D as 并分析下答案所做的句子成分,还有,这个句子是否是并 大自然带给你乐趣有哪些种? 在直线L:X+Y-3=0上求一点P,使P到点A(-2,-2)的距离之和最小 大自然中的乐趣