
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:20:58
把鸡蛋从3楼上扔下去,要求鸡蛋不破,有什么办法 把鸡蛋从4楼扔下去,怎样才能在不破的情况下快速落地? we're going to take the s________ to the zoo tomorrow My mother is going to take me to the zoo tomorrow 改为否定句 补全对话: A:Tomorrow is Sunday. ---1--- are we going to do? B: ---2--- ---3-- going to the zoo?A:That 's a ---4-- idea .How are we going ---5---? B: ---6---bus.A: ---7--- ---8--- are we going to meet? B:At half ---9--- ten.A ---10--- are we What are you going to do on the weekend?I'm going to the zoo tomorrow.可不可以这样回答?人教版PEP教材小学六年级的课文:Let's talk原文对话是:Wu:What are you going to do on the weekend?John:I'm going to visit my grandparents 现在有4种包装盒,分别能装4.5.6.8瓶相同饮料.现在有60瓶同样的饮料,选用哪种包装盒可以正好把60瓶饮料装完没剩余?还有其他包装方式吗? 选哪种包装盒正好能把60瓶饮料装玩?1、6个6个的 2、5个5个的 3、3个3个的 4、9个9个的aaaa 想问一下,轮船在行驶时不是静止的,为什么他的浮力与重力是平衡力? he is going to visit the museum this saturday?is going to visit the museum 提问 He is going to visit the museum this saturday.对 is going to visit the museum提问 he is going to visit the museum this sunday对划线部分提问从is 到museum Andy is going to the museum.He wants to see dinosaurs.这句话怎么翻译,什么时态?就是这个问题 为什么不是 Andy is going to go to the museum.原句中怎么没有动词原形呢? He is going to()the science museum tommorrow.用visit的恰当形式填空 以速度V水平抛出质量为1kg的物体,抛出后物体落地,则它在落地前的3秒内动量变化为多少就这些条件! 以V.平抛一质量1kg物体,在抛出3s后它未与地面等相碰,求它在3s内动量变化 质量为1kg的物体从15m处的平台以10m/s的速度竖直向上抛出,不计空气阻力,求物体落地时的动量. A Good Boy Martin is going to town.He is going to see a friend.Now he is walking to the bus stop. the nearest town is 1 hour from the city center by bus(同义句) 三个同义句 she is going to the town.i do not know the town将下列两个简单句改为定语从句的复合句 He is going to the zoo by bus on saturday morning改为一般疑问句? 某项工作甲独做需要4天完成,乙单独做要6天完成,若甲先做1天,然后甲乙共同完成此项工作.,甲一共做了多少天?要方程 一箱梨,如果按每千克1.6元卖,就会亏9元,如果按每千克2.1元卖,就会赚6元,怎样卖不赚也不亏? 一箱梨,按每千克1.6元价格卖,就会亏9元;如果按每千克2.1元的价格卖,就赚6元.如果不亏不赚,每千克卖多少元?用/代表除 *代表乘 要的是方程 设每千克应卖x元 1mol氧气和二氧化碳 代表的是 氧气加二氧化碳等于1mol 还是1mol氧气跟1mol二氧化碳 六城同创600字作文怎么写? “六城同创”的作文.500字吧!最佳的再给50分! 为什么1mol硫酸等于4mol氧分子 六城同创的600字作文怎么写? 奉节六城同创论文1000多字~奉节的六城同创,···· 滕州六城同创作文要450字到1000字急 一架天平写着“称量200g,感量0.2g”.