
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:12:00
To test which foods are better for a long space journey, the astronauts in Shenzhou VI had asmany as 50 dishes____. A. to choose B. to be chosen C. to choose from D. to be chosen from为什么不是D?不是被选择吗?为什么用C 1 it gos without saying2 mind our minners 3.you can do all you can to gain the interet in it little by little4.from my point of view5,I think we should make full use of our strengths to change them each other regardless of the fact that you like it o I didn't ________ I made a mistake until the next day.A.find B.realize C.remember D.tell 为什么不是A和C呢? 1.I didn’t -------------- (认识到) I made a mistake until the next day.2.Please answer this question in a(n) ---------------- (完整的) sentence.3.Linda,could you speak ---------------- (慢慢地)?I can’t follow you.4.One of the ----------- She didn't r______ her mistake until we told her. 英语翻译不要很长,稍微短些,有文章,有翻译~1楼的,你的文章也太长了把,后面一篇又这么短,诶对了,你们找的文章最好有点寓意好不,不要找无聊来西的东西 we often use _____(rise) tones to show our surprise. we make sounds like"oh!"to show how we feel about something or when we___something on our feet. A.put B.drop C.fall D.set 哪个高手帮忙做一下这道题,不胜感激 《马价十倍》这篇文章印证了《马说》中的什么道理 如题 .__________these words,he left the room without saying anything.A.About B.For C.On D.With He left the room without _(say) anything. He left the room______(sad)without saying anything. 朱自清 的简历 和所有的书本 有些什么? 朱自清的简历 帮忙找一篇读《三国演义》有感的作文大概初二水平,600字左右,不要太深奥的 寻一篇《读三国演义有感》的作文 400字左右如题 急用 快 关于surprise,surprising和surprised的用法与区别.它们都该用在什么语境里呢?望详解. We are ( )at the bad news. A:surprising B:surprised C:surprse D:to surprise 英语翻译如题,要短小的,带翻译,最好都不超过三行.总共需要44篇, 英语翻译10篇!要翻译 篇幅要短小 为什么埃及人怕猫?特别是大祭司之类的?如题 埃及人为什么崇拜猫而不是狗? 为什么猫那么爱玩有时候找它没看见它 明明它看见我的 一点声音也不出有时候摸他一下就爪子 怎样才能让猫喜欢你? 猫爱吃什么 玩穿越火线时弹出out of memory我重装还有这个!虚拟内存调到多少呀?不玩我玩啥呀? 关于李白的小故事 李白、杜甫作诗时的故事要他们两个作的诗,附加作诗时的故事 好的加分 语文仿句造句,..1、例句:要想永远的回报就要从不欺骗生活,用一只手索取,用另一只手奉献.造句 要想永远的_______,就要从不_______,用________,用___________.2、时间是一个不易察觉的背叛的伤口, 初中语文仿句? 用“不是.也不是.而是.”造句急求!哪个大师会 造句与仿句1.例句:真诚,虽不是春光里的花朵,却总能只是希望,把憧憬编制成花篮.以"知识"或者"信心"为开头的词语,仿句2.用"若只因为……就……,无异于……"造句如果答的好有加分!一本书,若