
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:49:31
μmgl是由什么物理公式得来的 摆球重力做功为什么是mgl(1-cosa)=1/2mv~2 此题第二问怎么解答?弹簧压缩到最短时,Ep=mgR-цmgL看不懂不知道为什么? 知其不可而为之素材 知其不可而为之作文 三星手机屏幕的字变英文怎么设置变中文啊 There she...We...any longerA.comes,neednt wait B.has come,neednt to waitC.is coming,dont need to wait D.has come,dont need wait对了,第二题答案A,我选C,不明白有什么区别 we'll take a ship at jingjiu in ____ northern jiangxi and travel ____ west.A.the; / B./;/ C.the;the D./;the 能够产生可育后代就是同一个物种? Where are you go to?这个句子对吗? Where are you go on vacation last weekend 哪里错了 如果大脑眶额皮层坏了,人类会变得冷漠无情吗?眶额皮层会轻易坏掉吗? 乘轮船到台湾要多长时间?____ _____will _____ ______to get to Taiwan by ship? where are you go?ga改正 where are you want to go? 自古英雄多寂寞 LONELY ARE THE BRAVE怎么样 单句改错 The soldier's brave act has cost him the name of a hero The hero is brave in deeds as well as words.的意思 The boy took him to be a(n) _____soldier,who in fact is a hero.A.normal B.ordinary C.loyal D.brave goodbye to you 的意思? 问道初三英语选择题下列哪一个不能填?The young man ? the theft.A.was guilty ofB.was involved inC.contacted the police ond.was charged with说下为什么,谢谢! ---Mum,can I go skating now?---No,but you can go after your homework____A.has finished B.will finishedC.is finished D.was finished 盐酸普萘洛尔 吃 60mg会怎么样 THE ELEMENTS怎么样 The Elements 歌词 写军人的作文我出生在军人的家庭中,怎样写开头(其中有军人那种精神的)希望不是别人用过的 表示 在...方面 用 IN还是ON The Little Brave 仆 勇者~这个有汉化吗? The little girl was brave __ _travel the forest by herself .应怎么填 林冲棒打洪教头课文中描写洪教头狂傲自大的动作词 太漂亮了 蒙古语怎么说? 帅用蒙古语怎么说