
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:04:05
50吨货要运,大车载重是7吨,小车载重是4吨,大车运一趟耗油14升,小车耗油9升,运完这批货最少耗油?升 hello,Peter. Do you like Dumpling king? Yes,I do.( )A.Very much B.Very like C.Lots of D.A lot of说明下理由 what king of TV p do you likewhat king of TV p_____ do you like?I like soap operaswhat kind of TV p_____ do you like?I like soap operas They're like beef and cabbage dumplings.[ ] [ ] [ ] dumplings [ ] they like?Tom would like a cap of coffee.[ ] [ ] Tom like? 在操场上跑步的人以什么为参照物他是静止的? 在四边形abc的边长是120厘米,ef分别是ad,bc边的三等分点,设四边形abcd的面积为24,求四边形aecf的面积. i he she they you we it Eric 什么用do 什么用does 用Do you have.和Does he/she/it have..和Do they here...这3种形式每种造2个句子 跑步机参照物 爷爷在家里的跑步机上健身,小明饶有兴趣地在旁边看着,还拿了笔在硬纸板上乱涂,说:“爷爷,我给你写生.”过了一会儿,爷爷满头大汗地从跑步机上下来,并说:“今天痛快,跑 在跑步机上自己是运动的以什么为参照物的 curry可数吗? 跑步机 跑步机品牌健身房用跑步机,那个品牌性价比高? 跑步机,怎样选择跑步机跑步机在选择的时候都要注意点什么呢, curry 什么意思 有没有环保吸音纤维涂料 curry 是什么意思 吸音纤维涂料哪家材料比较好 吸音纤维涂料有什么区分? 吸音涂料需检测哪些事项 减震吸音涂料对人身有什么样的害处使用减震吸音涂料的时候对人身有害吗 She has got a pen ___She has got a pen______对画线部分提问 she's got it= she has got it对吗 用 has got 怎造句 用It has got 造句我急用 请问为什麽一样的句子,却一个用she has got,一个用 she has 1What's the matter with her?She says that she has got a headache.2What's the matter with her?She says that she has an earache.请问以上一样的句子,却一个用she has got 跑步不让穿钉子鞋·,但是有同学买那种带小小的钉子(好像和鞋底一个材质的钉子)的跑步鞋, 昆虫琥珀值钱吗? 昆虫琥珀是生物吗 小明在一次游玩中,上山的速度是每小时2千米,沿原路返回时速度是每小时3小时,他上山,下山的平均速度是多 我在阅读题上看见这样一个句子"Does she like reading?"不应该是Is she like reading beef什么意思 beef是什么意思?