
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 01:47:15
leave sth behind是什么意思 leave behind 关于leave..behind的用法在新概念三册第一课里,有这样一个句子Wherever it went,it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits.注释说behind it是状语,但是我老觉得别扭.请问为什么不说behind it it is you什么含义 it is It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you,but in my heart,there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words.I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you.Only when I miss you it is grief and sweet sadness to think of you You give sweet is my sunshine . 谁能翻意下?I really like to hear your voice .I want to use words tell you谁能翻意下?I really like to hear your voice .I want to use words tell you:my job my mind and my happiness__in met your instand ,found the anchor,found the source of ha “虚拟的生活”用英语怎么说virtual不是实际的意思吗?怎么成虚拟的了? She is going to leave home ____seven fifteen.( A.about B.before C.on)应该选哪个,为什么? Miss.Li is ()(leave),she is not at home.动词正确形式填空 Do not know what is like this,do not care consultation.翻译中文是什么呀 leave me alone 中leave作什么词性? Leave me alone.alone是什么词性 leave 词性 leave词性转换leave(v.)离开,把……留下,遗忘,遗弃←→__________ (adj.)剩下的(用于名词后) 求歌词WHEN WILL MYLL LIFE BEGIN when will my life begin(reprise 2)歌词 求When Will My Life Begin的吉他谱!When Will My Life Begin我需要吉他谱,如果没有简谱也行! 求【魔发奇缘】中插曲【when will my life begin】的歌词就是 【长发公主】里的歌when will my life begin She has been married to Mr Zhang.是被动语态还是系表结构?语法书说系表结构一般只用于一般现在时和一般过去时,被被动语态可用于包括完成时在内等各种时态.此句过去分词是married是表被动还是相 She has ____Jim for 10 years. A.been married to B.married to说明原因 she has been married to him for a year marry是非延续性动词 为什么后面又有for a year 还用完成时 The train has been in the station for two hours.She has been married to Robert for a year.两句都是现在完成时,第一句不能用stopped,因为它是非延续性动词,可是第二句的married也是非延续性动词,不太好理解, lag behind是什么词性短语 用不锈钢锅煮出来的绿豆水 为什么半小时后会由绿色变成红色 类似桔红红色与绿色水,有营养差别吗 为什么煮绿色豆角的水变成了红色?为什么煮绿色豆角的水一会儿变成了红色? 仿写句子:漓江的水真绿啊,绿得仿佛那是一块无瑕的翡翠.玫瑰花真香啊,香得( ) 用不锈钢电水壶煮绿茶,煮完了水色是红色的,为什么?用PC塑料杯 煮,水还是绿色的.从两种对比看,应不是水温太高的原因.我怀疑是不锈钢里的某种成分 和茶叶发生化学反应了.不锈钢水壶是55 模仿用英语怎么说?“模仿”用英语怎么说? 不要模仿我 英语怎么说是 用 copy吗 谢谢······