
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:46:33
work that matters,careers that inspire not that it matters是什么意思请给出使用的情景的示例, She got to the railway only to be told the train had gone中to be told为什么不用beng told 10% on the cost 和10% of the cost,如果意思相同的话,有何区别? They can enjoy themselves in the small village.的同义句 上面一个木下面2个木是什么字? 上面2个木下面2个木是什么字4个木和起来是1个字 是这样的 木木木木 ←是什么字? 请问,上面一个般字,下面一个木字是什么字啊 帮我翻译一个句子:The first came to the elephant and sald The second cried 有急用! sally lives with her tamily变成否定句和疑问句怎么变 求过程suppose a country has a money demand function(M/P)=KY,where k is a constant parameter.The money supply grows by 12% per year,and the real income grows by 4% per year.a.what is the average inflation rate?b.how would inflation be different if We study for the people是主谓宾结构吗?We(主语)+study for(谓语)+the people(宾语)对吗? We study for the people 中.study是不是谓语 英语翻译你下班了吗可以这样翻译吗?Did you get off work?Have you checked off?Have you been off work?上面这两个也对吗?最主要是Did you get off work?对不? 找出两组反义词体育健儿们为了给祖国争光,不怕酷热,不畏严寒,不分昼夜地苦练本领,他们也像流着的河一样不知疲倦吗? 从下面这句话中找出五组反义词水面上的浮子,一粒或半粒沉了下去,又浮了上来,反复几次,这是鱼儿把钩子吞进嘴里又吐了出来. When you get off work什么意思 从片段中找出两组反义词 读详细提问的句子回答问题. 从这句话找出两组反义词,在说说你对这句话的理解.发明这”天窗“的大人们,是应该被感谢的.因为活泼会想的孩子们,会知道怎样从”无“中看出”有“,从”虚 Liz realized that ,despite herself,she cared about Edward求翻译 I called Mr.Green yesterday(对Mr.Green提问) I don't have husband.是什么意思 take the children是什么意思同上 The children cleaned the classrooms.He showed us the presents。 She speks very good English 改为一般疑问句 空 空 空 vey good English 根据上下文意思,缺词填空 Ben lives with his parents.He visits his grandparents ( ) a week.He often visits them at ( ).His grandpa ( )chess.So Ben often plays chess with him.Sometimes Ben goes ( )with his grandma.She is happy.Ben's cousin Je Which fireman bring the little dog to the children 如果这个fireman是Jack 该怎么回答? the fireman in saving the child. 填空:The fireman had to_the windows to rescue the child trapped in that burning house. lt is not i love you,but letsbe together是什么意思? I know we is not possible life together, but I will love you in silence. 有一首英文歌,副歌是,i love you,in for me ,impossible impossible impossible大致上记住了这么点,可能不准确