
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 19:12:25
英语选择.-------twice ,the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our dog.------twice ,the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our dog.A.Being bittenB.BittenC.Having bittenD.To be bitten请详细解释一下 arrival作到达讲是否可数?如:our arrival是否要加s? 怎么把直接引语改为间接引语?1.ktae siad ," would you please come up to my flat for a vitis '2.she siad ," let's go shopping ."3.he siad " what a lovely day it is "4."happy new year to you " he siad .5." never forget it ," he siad . 把直接引语改为间接引语1.他摸了摸嘴,好像回味似的说;“吃过了,一起锅就吃,比你们还先吃呢.”2.老班长猛抬起头,支吾着说“我,我早就吃过了.看到碗里还没吃干净,扔了怪可惜的.” 将直接引语改为间接引语!1、I know:“I need an X-ray”2、“Open the window and air the home”3、HE said to me ,“I like to stay in China"4、The teacher said to the monitor,“Are you having a class meeting?" "your trail period has 装软件的时候冒出来的一句话,以前装过的 Peter is having dinner now.(时间改成just now,并改变时态) 间接引语改为直接引语我开心地对妈妈说:“妈妈,你烧的菜甭有多好吃!” 组长对我说:“你把垃圾去倒掉” 戴老师说;" 你们谁要请假马上请好? 将直接引语改为间接引语(1) “ Do you often come to school by bus?” my classmate wanted to know if__________________.(2) "why can you finish it so soon ,children?"Mom asked the children why ______________________.(3) "Li Xin is better 谁会用spss软件?打开以后总是提示your trial period for windows will expire in 1 days.后来新买的一张盘装上也弹出这个窗口.同事电脑上和我一起装的就没事! 把直接引语改为间接引语外公对我说:“我告诉你,我们的囯花是玫瑰.” Having finished works,they went home为什么having went不是过去吗应该是过去的过去had才是 请将下列直接引语改为间接引语1.Li Ying said to me,"I am leaving for Beijing tomorrow.__________________________________________________2.David asked me,"Are you interested in English?"__________________________________________________3.M 英语,用虚拟语气,要是我知道他现在在哪儿就好了,怎么说?I wish I knew where he was.I wish I knew where he is.应该用was还是is? 将下列直接引语改为间接引语He said,“I did my homework yesterday.”He said he __ __his homework the day before. 将下列直接引语变成间接引语1.Mother said to the boy,“Hurry up!''2.The teacher said,"Don't be late again,Mary.''3.Don't get out of the way,said Mr Wu4.''Please open the door",he said to her5.The teacher said,''Stand up and don't be afrai 英语翻译用虚拟语气该怎么翻译?不用行不行?在一般英美对话中常用的,普通的,地道的说法是怎样? 认读这个词语是什么意思 “求读”这个词是什么意思?求读到底是请教别人还是向别人借书? 将下列直接引语变为间接引语.1.”Would you buy me some stamps " he asked me ._____________________________________________________2.Mother said ."Hurry up,Elizabeth!"____________________________________________________3.The officer said I'm wishing my life 请求高手翻译成英文我以青春的名义宣誓:在这珍贵的一天里,我将这样度过.用甜美的微笑迎接朝阳,用积极的心态走进课堂,用专注的精神聆听师讲,用勤快的双手记录时光,用活跃的思维思考 请问sign my life Tearing My Life Away 歌词 Dreaming My Life Away 歌词 (taking my) life away 歌词 "淼"这字怎么念啊? 《我是一个海盗》中史密斯太太之所以来到诊所是因为( ) 写给医生的一封信我45岁了,最近身体不太好,身体会忽然间感觉很热,出许多汗,早晨快起床那会心慌,慌的睡不着觉,请问这是什么原因? 隔去偏旁造字组词三个 She was so excited that she couldn't go to school.(改为同义句)She was ___ ___ ___go to school. 换偏旁造字组词,余