
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:20:36
已知,如图,点C是AB上的一点,分别以AC,CB为边,在AB的同侧作等边三角形△ACD和△BCE若AE与BD交于点O求∠AOD的度数 These photographs will show you ____.A. what our village looks like B. what does our village look like C. how our village looks like D. how does our village look like 为什么CD翻译成这些照片要向你展示我们的村庄是什么样子 These pictures will show you__.a.what our hometown looks likeb.what does our hometown look likeC.how does our hometown look like D.how our hometown looks like我选B对吗?错在哪里? these pictures will show you ________how our motherland is beautiful These shoes are too expensive,I'm afraid.Will you please show me __________pair?A the other B otherC another D others书上的答案是b.我觉得感觉很奇怪,难道不是another吗?或者others也象一点刚才查到other的例句有这样一句 求一篇作文《那是一首歌》! 真核生物与原核生物的区别真核生物与原核生物的核的区别?不能只说一个有核膜一个没! 以《我喜欢的一首歌》写一篇作文 我想写国歌,帮我想一想.急~~~~~~~~~~~国歌是谁创作的,代表着什么? Tom is nine years old.同义句转换 Tom is a _______boy谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 Tom is eleven years old.(保持基本句意不变) Tom is _______ _______ ________.三根横线 学与问一课中,让你最有收获的一句话是( ),这句话让你懂得了( ). 哲学上实际就是真理的事例 We wil do what we can()these homeless people.填help 还是 to help? 如何理解真理是具体的历史的 what could you do to help people in trouble ?英语作文初中水平 what do you think you can do to help the people there句子成分是什么? 英语翻译At last,I completed all the network study,which lasts from Sept.20 to Nov.2o.With another burden off,I feel much pleased now. 英语翻译Verifying DMI Pool DataAMD Data change...Updaee New Data to DMI Err5:Error finding VFLOPPY .SYSErr8:Fake Floopy driver not foundPress any key快被这东西烦死了,救命!顺便说这些英文是什么意思! 什么是宾语从句、目的状语什么的?救救我哎,以前我的英语挺好的,可是升了初三什么都听不懂了,什么宾语从句、目的状语、表语、不及物动词、及物动词啦!主啊,谁来救救我,非常非常感谢哥 不定式作状语为什么与不定式作宾语那么像呢?My grandmother lived to see the liberation of China.书里说这是作状语,但也符合作定语吧?谁能给我讲讲不定式作状语. 英语宾语从句,They thought ( ) to play soccer against a women's team.A.it fun B.them fun C.it is fun D.they are fun 正确选项是A 但是C为什么错了?难道应该把C选项的is改成was吗?There is no difference between the two sweaters,s 请问RVV和RVVB导线的区别RVV截面圆形的么? let me tell you how to get to the airport为什么要用get Can you tell me how I can get to the airport(同义词转换)Can you tell me ( ) ( ) ( )the airport Can you tell me how I get to the airport?(同义句转换)Can you tell me _____ _____ _____. 合并句子.1.How can we get to the airport?Could you tell me?Could you tell me______________1.How can we get to the airport?Could you tell me?Could you tell me_______________________.2.How often does Tom write to his parents?I want to know.I want t 线缆标法:导线RV,RVV等表示的意思? can you tell me how i can get to the airport 同义句转换can you tell me ( ) ( ) ( ) the airport. 不定式的完成形式能不能做状语? 四级640 六级616 托福要上100 从现在开始要复习多久四级两年前裸考,六级去年冬天裸考.如果周末上新东方,加上自己复习,五月份考托福能上100吗? 英语中不定式做状语表示将来吗? 什么是泰迪玩具体?想买只泰迪狗狗,不知道什么是玩具体,什么是茶杯体,还有人说是迷你泰迪,搞不懂啊……朋友们可以给我解释一下吗?