
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:31:22
i don't have 与 i haven't got 的区别是什么? Tom was so strong that he couldTom was so strong that he could carry all the food for us.改为同义句答句Tom was( )( )( )carry all the food for us 文中最能概括莲的高贵品质的语句是:1.莲,花之君子者也2.予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖是哪一个?还是其他的? 能概括莲的高贵品质的句子是? Many crimes went unounished帮忙翻译一下 最能概括莲花高尚品质的句子是?很急~~~~ 谢了~~ My bike is broken.Can l (b )yours? 藕是莲的什么? 藕是莲的哪部分 六年级going school英语作文 school show英语作文,写一则广告招人,60字.节目中国功夫表演,钢琴表演,歌舞表演,篮球表演,绘画表演 Tom was so careless that he often the exam.A.make mistake of B.makes mistakes inC.made mistakes in D.made mistakes of 风光互补发电系统的原理 Nothing is difficult in the word ,if you put your heart into it,____?A.are they B.isn't it C.is itquickiy 关于保护环境的英语作文,要翻译成中文.【含有空气污染、淡水污染和大地污染的,初中水平】急!一定要含空气污染、淡水污染和大地污染 中文名胡远洋,根据中文取时尚的上班族的英文名.谢谢 形容积极向上精神的成语.我要写作业的啦. 英语翻译主要是after the first murder committed I don't have it.和 I haven't it.哪一个对? 取英文名字!岑岑要好看好听的 中文名为 Xu Yan Qin,求一谐音好听的英文名最好和中文名字谐音,或者和XU或YAN或QIN谐音也可以.以X,Y,Q开头的也可以哦~要好听有意义点的. 汶川大地震共死了多少人 受伤多少 多少人无家可归的具体数字中国加油→汶川加油 老鼠怎么吃大象? 大象为什么会被老鼠吃了 Have a Nice Day 歌词 翻译:what’s the film like? What dose Garfield do in the movie.怎样正确翻译? 英语翻译The center column of Exhibit I presents a conceptual value chain for the paper industry.The distinct value activities,such as timber growing,logging,pulp manufacture,paper manufacture,conversion and distribution are the building blocks by 老鼠吃大象怎么回事啊?同上 回答下怎么办呢? 我爱的那个他在哪里用英语翻译 请问中的主旨句是下列哪一句?A.莲,花之君子者也 B.莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖哪一句更贴切一些?为什么呢? 中作者赞扬莲花能够\"出淤泥而不染\",可现实生活中有人却认为\"近朱者赤,近墨者黑\".E希望各位哥哥姐姐能尽快答出,