
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:05:16
责任心与执行力的意义?有何关系? 责任心与执行力发生冲突是怎么办 如何提高员工的责任心和执行力 铈可以氧化铵离子吗? 双氧水可以氧化三价铈离子吗酸性条件下,双氧水可以氧化三价铈离子到四价吗 Kate said to me,“You'll win this mach."间接引语 为什么美国人喜欢用okie dokie来表示okay?RT这个短语有什么来历吗? okay什么意思 我和他说it's so kind of you ,他回答了yw, MJ的歌 are you ok annie 安妮死了 为什么还要问"are you ok"呢 Michael Jackson有一首歌里反复吟唱Annie Are you watching?求此歌的名字Annie Are you watching?这一句是我自己听的,不是十分肯定. 五.照样子,写表示颜色的词 粉红 ---- ---- -----天蓝 ---- ---- ---- 杏黄 ---- ---- ---- 我家离学校很近(close to ) 翻译要用上括号里的短语. to be in one’s line 专四短语来的. This survey is now closed. Thank you for your interest 是什么意思啊 When I got to school, the teacher had started()the test papershand outhanded out to hand outto handing out 请问"hope"后面能不能接ing形式? He speaks that he is very tired 改病句 Hoping for the best为什么hope要用ing形式,ing不是只有动作正在进行才用吗 So she didn't put her heart into her lessons when she was at school a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure.请问.为什么hope加ing及为什么不用to hope hope跟动词ing还是原形 If you __ carefully,you __ the report wellA.will listen;will be understood B.will listen;understand C.listen;will understand D.listen;understand if you---carefully,you------the report well A.listen will understand b.listened;will understand Listen carefully ,or you won't understand the text well.(改为条件状语从句) ()the passage carefully and you will understand it wellReading readsTo readRead请问选哪个啊 我老是分不清楚这些 这是今天的一项作业啦……求戏剧剧本的特点,不要太多字(我本子上写不下……)谢谢!%>_ he is not a policeman.he is a park keep 找出错误改正 剧本直接规定了戏剧的什么,什么,什么,什么,什么. He is (1) policeman. 3.______________________________________________________________?He is a policeman. What does school-report mean?