
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 11:08:38
He would never have got the job,________for the fact that his father had great influence over the company.A had it not beenB it had not beenC it were not D were it not为什么选A,我语感就是选A但是不知道理由.别人问我我就回答不 He is good ( ) English. so do i so am i so did .i用法及区别 Claire had luggage _______ an hour before her plane left填什么 想知道 so do i so i do so am i so i am 的用法与区别 Claire had her luggage checked before her plane left中主句为什么不用过去完成时 so do i 与so am i 区别与用法! 既如不可置之于法什么意思 以无法为有法,以无限为有限的准确内涵是什么?哲学或佛学禅宗上的解释.不要复制答案或李小龙的武术版本. 地下城无法使用未净法的装备什么意思呀 仿照蒙太奇的写作方法写篇作文.要求500字那位发来一篇,让参考参考蒙太奇是什么样的写作手法 分析So I am、So am I、So I do、So do I区别和意思So I amSo am ISo I doSo do I 分别是什么意思.有什么区别 What an expensive watch he bought,____ ____?(反意疑问句) He bought an expensive car and then he _____ me to buy one tooA persuaded B suggested C insisted D determined 王亥驯马,指鹿为马,田忌赛马的原文特别是王亥驯马的原文! the coat I bought yesterday is /was expensive?是填is 还是was 4个和马有关的历史故事(如:王亥驯马、赵高指鹿为马) I wonder why he bought______ coat.A.one such black old B.such one black old C.one such old black D.such one old black快啊,sos so am{do } i 和 so i am {do }有什么区别 以无法为有法, "以有限为无限,以无法为有法"是谁说的?形容什么?具体什么意思? 李小龙的“以无法为有法,以无限为有限”是什么意思 以无法为有法 以无限为有限. his job is with an architecture company.. jhon smith is happy with _______(he)job My job was to wash bottles,which would then be filled with wine,or__the filled bottles in boxes.A.to putB.puttingC.having putD.being put选什么呢说说理由 再把这句话翻译一下 A higher-pay job with long hours or a lower-pay job with low hours,which would you choose时间上的要求是5分钟. 莫高窟(节选)阅读题答案(一)莫高窟(节选)①莫高窟不仅有精妙绝伦的彩塑,还有四万五千多平方米宏伟瑰【gui  kui】丽的壁画.②壁画的内容丰富多彩,有 ( ) 佛【fú fó】教故事的 有一列数顺序是:1、3、5、7、……第200个数字是多少? 世尊释迦牟尼佛传法之偈:法本法无法,无法法亦法.今付无法时,法法何曾法? 法本法无法,无法法亦法,今付无法时,法法何曾法.的意思是什么? 法本法无法 无法法亦法 今付无法时 法法何曾法怎么解释?