
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:00:34
In MayMy girl friend and I have a vecation,We'll go to New Orleans的意思 We have a new friend (call)Sandy.用所给动词的适当形式填空. l have a new friend _______(call)Tommy. He has a c____ to get the job.You'd better b____ the book from him.The disctionary was p____ last month. 已知M(1,-3),N(4,6),P(x,3)且三点共线,则点P分有向线段MN所成的比λ=?x=? M是关于x的三次式,N是关于x的五次式,则N-M=______次式,M+N______次式,MN=_______次式 《山市》的特点是()(),这从文中()()等描写中可以看出 sb神马意思 山市的特点是______、_________,这从文中_____、________等描写中可以看出.奂山山市,邑八景之一也.然数年恒不一见.孙公子禹年与同人饮楼上,忽见山头有孤塔耸起,高插青冥,相顾惊疑,念近中无此禅 sB是神马意思 山市的特点是(),(),这从文中(),()等描写中可以看出(主要是后面两个不知道填啊) SB.是神马意思? 《山市》的特点是( )、( ),这从文中( )、( )等描写可以看出.晚了就没用了. wear sb.out是神马意思? sb是神马? 命是弱者的借口,运是强者的谦词.关于这句话写一篇作文,立意可以是什么?我写的是“强大于内,不败于己”,就是说要让自己从内里真正强大起来, We have a nem frirnd today. he succeeded in getting this good job 同义句 那道题 He succeeded in winning the game.换一种说法..不是翻译 ___ he would have succeeded in the examinations.A If he has worked hard B If he works hard C If he worked hard D Had he worked hard 选什么?为什么? The athlete succeeded in getting the first place in the game The athlete ___ ___ ___ getting the fThe athlete succeeded in getting the first place in the gameThe athlete ___ ___ ___ getting the first place in the game He succeeded in solving all the problems( )A ,as expected B as expecting C than expected D that expected求详解,翻译 一个圆柱形的容器中放有一个正方体铁块,现在打开一个水龙头往容器中注水,3分钟时,水恰好没过正方体的顶又过了11分钟,水灌满容器.已知容器的高度是30厘米,正方体的棱长是10厘米,那么该 I want to care about you but who am i翻译中文 (1)today(2)We(3)friend( 4)a(5)new(6)hava 这些英语怎么排 always sometimes,后面动词用什么形式过去时?经形势?动词怎么变化,加ing? always +动词?形式 always在一般现在时中后面的动词一般跟什么形式 用一个事物为线索写一篇作文,用上插叙!笑我了 He got well-prepared for the job interview,for he couldn't risk ? the good opportunityA.to lose B.losing C.to be lost D.being lost能不能翻译一下这句话。谢谢!!! 运用插叙的记叙顺序写一篇不少于600字的题目为 世上还有爸爸好 的作文 Much disappointed as he is _______ in the job interview, he still keeps his confidence. A. to have failed B. failed C. having failed D. failing答案是A 求解释