
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:57:03
liping is twelve years old,but he has only three birthdays.why? The baby is three months old.It has only a little____.A,teeth.B,jobs.C,rules.D,hair 找出下面错误并改正 what day is it tomorrow? 改错(每句一处错):What day it is tomorrow? tomorrow it day what is连词成句 When I need the people most that's when they leave me请问这句话是什么结构?两个when中间一个that is. 英语翻译唉,真是容易精尽人亡啊.求个鹰语翻译. 我热爱,因为它可以给我带来文学让我知道中华文化博大精深.翻译成英语 如何在单词前正确的加上不定冠词a和an?顺便说下我没有学过音标所以不知道该怎么加……有没有什么好的方法可以不学音标也能正确的加上不定冠词. The baby is only___ .A.ten mouths old B.ten mouThe baby is only___ .A.ten mouths old B.ten mouthes old C.ten mouth old D.ten old mouths 翻译句子,讲明缘故, the baby is ten months old对 ten months old提问 the old man's g__ is only ten months old根据句首字母填写单词,初二第十单元的 what day is it tomorrow? listens 后面这个S是不是应该读成Z? 上句是what day is it tomorrow下句是什么 White's problem中的s是读[s],还是读[z]? What do you drop when you need it and take back when you do not need.快呀,需要挖 "What do you drop when you need it and?take?back?when?you don't?"的中文意思和答案是啥? 彩虹岛暴风小草 What do people usually take into consideration when they look for a job? 暴风雨中的精灵是什么?在暴风雨中常常会有奇特的亮光,至上而下异常明亮,瞬间消失,形状不一. 一阵狂风吹来,大树倒了,小草依附大地,大风后小草又站起来!作文审题啊,这个该怎么审题啊 the baby is about ____.a.eight month old b.eight-month-old c.eight monthes old d.eight months old The baby is five ____(month) old what's中的后缀s是读s还是读z?where's中的s呢 含有哲理性的英文歌曲有哪些? 在英语中the应加在哪些单词前.a和an呢 请问the fifth的缩写是什么?是不是the 5th 一到三十的英语(第几的如second 第二 fifth 第五 等)缩写也要!一到三十的英语(第几的如second 第二 fifth 第五 等)单词,缩写都要! buy a/an mp4M 前是不是用an an mp5还是a mp4 ( )MP4 A.a B.an